Solar Eclipses | Teen Ink

Solar Eclipses

April 14, 2021
By Anonymous

                                                             Solar Eclipses




            The Sun is the god of light and all things joyful. The moon is the goddis of hunting and wildlife. They are brother and sister. Millions of years ago the world was grey it was neither day nor night. This is because the sun and the moon were out at the same time.


            They would get into lots of fights trying to take control of the world. When the Sun and the Moon would get into a fight so would the stars and clouds. This caused war. Things on earth would suffer. The moon and sun would suffer too.


          After years and years of fighting the world was starting to crumble. Living things did not get enough light or sleep. It was chaos, so the Sun and the moon decided they had to come up with a plan. The moon and sun would split the day. The stars and the clouds would as well.


         The suns portion was called day, while the moons was called night. Most of the animals would sleep during the night. She enjoyed watching the animals during the day so she could keep them safe. Sadly she was tucked under the earth. The moon did not like this.


         She would try to fight back so she could see the animals. These were called eclipses. They were named after her favorite animal back on earth. He was a wolf names eclipse. She would try about two to four times a year, causing grayness over the Earth and everything on it. 


         Once every one-hundred years she would succeed covering the sun. Earth would receive no light those few minutes but she would get to see her animals. The sun would push her back down to hide under the earth. She would try the next year and the next until she succeeded again.

The author's comments:

This is based on how me and my brother fight. 

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