Black Blood | Teen Ink

Black Blood

October 22, 2021
By Greysonland31 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Greysonland31 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Huhuhu'' breathing heavily for what is behind me, my friend and I Will, for what we just saw at the corner store of Wilson, North Carolina,
“Yo, you see that,” hands-on my knees as we stop abruptly to overthink what we had just seen.
“I know we didn't just see that,”
Will said, “did you get a look at it”, I exclaimed,
“All I saw was it was tall and skinny, but when its large, void eyes stared at me, I ran” we
catch our breath for a second, and jog down the empty back road. I look over at will and see his shirt wet and damp, his arms shaking if he had Tourette,
“Will that thing was not real it was a prank,” I said trying to bring him back to a better headspace,” I knew that thing was real, but I did not see much, I was following behind him when he walked into the corner store, I never knew how much I was sweating, I seemed to have adrenaline running, but I tried to calm him down, he saw more than I did but I knew what I saw was not normal. In the back of the store, throwing food around him into his mouth.
“Hey Will, you know if I ever see that thing again, ima shoot it”, I told him.
” did you even see it, you don't know what I saw, its eyes stared at me, darker than black,” I said nothing put my hands in my pockets, and walked a few feet from him, we calmed down after a few minutes and far behind us, we could feel the scraping of the road and rocks. We stopped in our tracks to listen, holding our breath, scraping as we got closer. I knew in the back of my mind that there was no sound a man could make, no car or animal could make it, we slowly turned around, in the distance the shadowy gray creature, blending in almost completely in the dark quiet air. I stare for a second, eyes wide if I am controlled by his own. I take a few steps back, gaining speed until a full sprint. I don't hear my other feet, though, I whip my head around. Will is just staring, frozen, as if he was stuck in ice for a thousand years. His feet embedded into concrete, too scared to move. Without a thought to grab him, I ran on the empty road and grabbed his shoulder, yanking him back. He regains his sense to run. Tears dripped down his face, we ran faster than we ever have, we ran longer than we ever have. No time to be tired,
“I'll kill that thing,'' I thought to myself.” Will, just behind me, we turn onto the next road down to my house. Running until we get there, our legs on fire, choking rather than breathing. We cut through my farm of young, skinny corn. I swing the door open to the barn.
I say, “I'll be right back, I just need to grab the shotgun.”
Will replies with “All alright, I'll say if that thing is near.'' I grab the gun from the back of the barn and any rounds in shells I could see, and return to the entrance.
Will says “how many shells you got,” I reply with “6,”
”Only 6!” Will yells,
“2 in the gun, 4 extra” a double-barrel I was holding, “1 is enough to kill a bear’” I yelled,
Will said “that thing is a...” the creature screams not far away, I hear the noise of 20 decibels above pain, loud and high, ears shriveling in pain. At the beginning of the cornfield, a hundred feet away. I finally got another look at it, 8 feet tall, skinny, 2 arms

long and dangling below its knees, gray, with the eyes of a killer. It seems to charge up and sprint full speed, faster than us, its 3 claws on its feet grabbing the terrain. Every blink it was 5 feet close, we went into a panic and I quickly shot 2 rounds at it, no effect 4 rounds left I ran back into the barn with will and hide, as quietly as possible loading the rounds. The creature slowly walked in, its round head, as it opened its mouth and screamed again. We shearing in pain, shaking terribly bad, heart imprint out of our chest. Its teeth are bloody and rigidly sharp like an obsidian arrow. As it walks it looks around, I stare from a close distance as it walks closer, my shotgun just above the empty horse den, as it seems to hear me, its hollow ears open up as it gets ready to charge, and i “BOOM, BOOM,” I had shot it in the chest twice, I knocked back to the floor, the wind getting knocked out of me, pain in my chest and struggling to breathe. Will comes sprinting out to me and helps me up, as he grabs the guns and takes the 2 last shells from me” and blasts the creature’s head - to the floor. Its head was wide open with its complex facial form, it seemed to have no nose and its black blood all over the floor. We walk back down, the undeveloped cornfield, the desolate air to my house, posture down. We walk down to my house, open the door slowly and stumble stride by stride until the top of the stair, and into my room to wait out the sleepless night.

The author's comments:

This is horror titled black blood

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