Twelve Hours of Living Hell | Teen Ink

Twelve Hours of Living Hell

January 6, 2022
By AlexPashea BRONZE, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
AlexPashea BRONZE, Lake St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Twelve Hours of Living Hell

12, the eerie number chimed on the grandfather clock in the dining room, I zone back in not knowing how long I was out. Midnight had struck, the house was as quiet as it always was. Today was the anniversary of my Daughters and Wife's death.

“It has been one year since it has happened already.” letting out a sigh while gazing around the empty room. My eyes lost focus again from the thoughts. At this point I figured I must get some sleep, I'll visit them when I wake up. 

“I'll see you soon.”

1, the number flashed into my eyes as my alarm clock buzzed over and over. I don't remember setting an alarm at this time. I roll over in my bed feeling heat radiating towards me. in front of me was my daughter and wife. My eyes begin to close but not for long. Shooting out of the bed I look back at them. Was I dreaming? I pinched my arm, and as I felt the pain of the pinch I noticed my wife had opened her eyes and was looking at me. 

“Honey what are you doing at this hour?” 

“I-I don’t know, I just need a second.” I bolted off to the bathroom with my mind spinning out the window. I look at my phone, 1:00 am. How was my wife and daughter back alive? Standing back up looking into the mirror, my own eyes looking back at me questioning the  situation just as much as me. Just as I begin to look at them, they start to get tighter. My legs begin to let go and a rush of drowsiness rushes through my body like a flooding ocean storm. attempting to pull myself back up but I no longer can, I can feel the waves crashing against me over and over.

2, The chime from downstairs is unforgettable. I grab my phone and confirm the time and it reads the same. Slowly turning over I feel my heart start to pound from left to right. My wife and daughter were sleeping again, but this time something was different, something was disturbing. They both had cuts on their faces, what was going on? My mind was racing now, was I finally going insane? Have I finally been broken?  Is one year all it took for me? At this point I don't know what was going to happen next, then ocean waves again rushed drowsiness over me again.

3, chiming downstairs again I knew I couldn't turn around again. Knowing what could be behind me was something I couldn't bear to see. But what seemed like an eternity my alarm clock didn’t move a second, nor did my phone. Turning over my eyes couldn't close, they felt almost cemented open. Behind me again, my wife and daughter were sleeping but this time more injuries occurred, blood dripping out from gashes and bruises starting to develop. Once more I looked at my wifes eyes which were now looking right up at me now. 

“Honey, you need to get some sleep, we've got a big day today.”

Today wasn't a big day, It was a day I don't want to think about. A day in which the two people who made my life worth anything died.

“I know I need to go to sleep, I'm sorry.” yawning midway through my sentence.

“Good I don't want you falling asleep during it tomorrow.” I once again felt the rush of drowsiness.

4, no chime, no buzz, why was I awake, I then it clicked. The smell of blood etching its way into the air, there was no escape. Turning to my side once more both starting with wide, seemingly glowing eyes. 

“Honey, you have a big day tomorrow you need to sleep.” both of them chanted seemingly animatedly. Their faces now more injured, I turn away not wanting to look at this. It doesn’t come, the wave of drowsiness doesn't reach me. I sit and sit, seemingly frozen as the clock doesn't tick, I sit thinking I need to get out of here. I close my eyes and hope for it to come. Then a freezing cold sensation up my back as a hand scraped to the touch is runs up it

“Honey I know you're awake. Are you not feeling well?” pure fear rushed through me. How did she know I was awake? I couldn’t take this…..

5, my eyes open again. the smell was there and the feeling of eyes on my back was threatening. 

“Daddy, why are you waking up so much, you should just go to sleep?”

“I wish it was that simple, but it's not.” I said hoping nothing would happen, just hoping I could escape from this torture. 

“I’ve just got some things on my mind that are bothering me, that's it.”

“Okay, well I hope you feel okayerer.”

I giggled softly,  I thought to myself it was my daughter. She would always be making up words left and right. But the happy thoughts only lasted for a few moments before I remembered the situation I was in….

6, quietly and softly chiming downstairs. No blood and no eyes felt like they were looking at me. I turn slowly, preparing myself for anything to come my way. Nothing, they were gone. My wife and daughter are both gone. The blood stains disappeared and things were back to how they were before I went to bed. I thought maybe it was a really bad dream. I wonder what caused such a horrible dream. I get up and go to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror and thinking of all of what just happened…

7, static buzzing rang from my alarm clock, scaring the hell out of me I hit the button and started getting up. It was time to go get ready to visit them. I look out my window and realise it's still dark. Odd, I thought to myself, I don't remember it being this dark at seven. Tapping my shoulder was my wife. Looking over at her I see burns, flesh scared. Cuts and bruises returned with it. I turn away, refusing to look at it. 

“Honey, does this dress look good?” 

“Yeah it does, you're looking stunning.” I said quickly

“If that’s the case why are you turning away from me?” her voice closing in, closer and closer she came to me.

8, waking up again, now I was in a car with my wife by my side and my daughter in the back seat. They both looked normal. Looking around I notice it’s still pitch black outside. I look at the time on the clock. It’s eight but a year before. The sounds of tire screeching to a halt and metal colliding was in an instant. Opening my eyes again, I looked back up seeing an ungodly sight. I was outside of the car in flames. Hearing screams inside the car I felt my heart stop…

9, back inside my house no sign of my wife or daughter. Shaking I look at my hands. I just watched them die. I look around and everything feels odd like I was all alone again. The time of solitude lasts for a fraction of time. Running into the room my daughter's skin was almost completely burned.

“Daddy moms waiting outside for you, we are ready to leave!” turning around from that sight my head starts feeling dizzy and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Collapsing at the sight of something I couldn't bear to see.

10, Buzzing and shaking my alarm clock is full of static. downstairs I hear the grandfather clock ringing but its distinct noise was no longer there, it was sounding off. I look around and I don't see them. I rushed for the garage, I needed to get out of this house. I pull out of the driveway and take off. with the sky still being pitch black I drove faster and faster.

“Honey, where are you going?” The noise almost passed me without notice but the eyeing presence was unescapable. I ignored it and continued driving faster and faster.

11, Pulling into the cemetery I bolted out of the car and ran for it. Standing out by their own graves was my wife and daughter. 

“Daddy am I dead?”

“I don't know at the moment, nothing makes sense.” This reality was inescapable and felt so real. I felt like the gates of heaven were at my feet waiting for me to join them. I look down at the graves and smile before looking up and closing my eyes.

12,  I was on the road again, speeding, flying down the street. I looked to my side and there was my wife, and in the back my daughter. 70, 80, 90, the speed increased over and over again. Then it hit me, time stopped but my fate was set in stone. To my side a car was on its path for collision. Looking back, my wife and daughter were both gone. 

“See you soon, Honey.” The grandfather clock chimed once more and time resumed 

“I’ll see you soon”

The author's comments:

I wanted to go and try something new so I created a horror piece that uses hour formating to progress the story

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