The Three Pixie Dusts | Teen Ink

The Three Pixie Dusts

February 10, 2022
By Anonymous

It's the afternoon, and Lamya is just now getting off from work, feeling awful. Her back hurts from standing all day, and her lungs are hurting just from breathing so hard. One day, Lamya comes across an app talking about Art classes. She clicked the app & she saw that it has an open college fair. Of course, she applied and saw all different types of options and expressions through the art. The next day the college promoters emailed her to come in to show them her work around 10 a.m. on Monday, and Lamya accepted it. After that she enjoyed her weekend and couldn't wait to go to the college fair. Monday Morning comes around, and Lamya wakes up, brushes her teeth, washes her face, and puts on her clothes. She heads to the kitchen and fixes herself something to eat. Nothing too big, because she's running late like always. She hurries and puts her shoes on and as she's doing that she's grabbing everything she needs to head to the car. Once she got to the car she hopped in and started driving. While she's driving she's eating her food, knowing you are not supposed to be eating while driving, but she's already late so why not?

  Lamya finally gets to the school and goes inside. As she's walking in she sees the sign: “A great public college in New York.” Lamya was just amazed. She made it to the counter and asked the lady where to go. The lady shows Lamya where everybody else was at, Lamya sees all types of Art and famous visions in 1966 and  just a lot of different things. She goes up and the man greets her. He shows everyone around to explain everything about the Arts, when they were made, who made them, and  important the education of it. At the end of the fair the professor went up to Lamya to ask her some questions. He asks her if she has ever been in a position like this before? She said, “No, and wouldn't want to be either.” As Lamya turned to walk away, he blew some pixie dust on her and Lamya fell into a deep sleep.

As Lamya is in this deep sleep not knowing, she opens her eyes and sees nothing but red. She looks to her right and sees something strange. It was a red figure of herself. Lamya was trying to understand what was going on, so the other side explained. If she didn't take this position, everything she worked for would fall apart. She shows Lamya what would happen if she decided to turn her back on something very important. As she shows Lamya, she sees herself depressed and asking family for money and at some point she gives up. The other side explained, “Do you want this to happen?” She said no, and started thinking real hard. The red figure blew some red dust on her,  and Lamya woke up in a dark space, cold and windy. 

She feels something touch her shoulder, and as she turns around slowly she sees nothing but black dust form as a human. The human dust points Lamya to get up and see herself in the rain by the river looking down crying. “Why did I fail? Why didn’t I listen and take the chance to make it out?” Lamya turns her head and tells the human dust she didn't want to see it anymore. The dust grabbed Lamya's face, made her watch and whispered, “If you keep this selfishness up and continue not to care about your skills, this will happen.” Lamya started to get the point in her talent. She starts to break down because she never had any faith. Just remembering all the doubts and negativity, turned her cold hearted so she stopped caring. The human dust says, “If you continue to care what other people say or feel about you, you will never get the best you ever wanted.” Then, he blows some black dust on her. 

This time before Lamya opened her eyes. She just laid there and thought. Until she suddenly heard a sweet voice call her name. Lamya finally opened her eyes, but very slowly. She sees a white ceiling with red flowers falling hitting her face. She gets up, turns around, and sees herself reaching for her diploma smiling hard, so proud she can finally become the famous Artist she always wanted. The white and red human form of dust said to Lamya, “You see what happens when you don't give up and keep working hard, you get where you wanna be.”

She blows white dust on Lamya and then she wakes up in the hospital seeing all the people who were supporting her in this career, including the professor. Lamya blinks her eyes 3 times and says, “I had a weird dream.” The professor looks at Lamya, smiles and says, “Are you ready to sign this deal? “ Lamya looks up with a big smile and says, “Yes, yes I am.” 

2 weeks later Lamya signs with the most famous Artist in the world. The professor says, “You see what happens when you make the right decision.”

“Yes, I do,” Lamya says. Lamya moved to Miami and became the most famous artist there is. She had all types of artists reaching out to her wanting to do business with her. She became a millionaire at the age of 24 living her life with lots of blessings. She traveled around the world helping kids and also adults with art. She showed them different skills other people haven’t thought of before. By the time Lamya turned 27, she was known as one of the best artists. Anything she failed at she always made sure she had a plan B, and came back 10 times harder. Years later Lamya ran into the professor and they greeted each other. They started talking about how life went after she left the college fair. Lamya was telling him that she’s doing a lot better from the last time they met. He told her that’s good and offered her a spot in his business. That was the biggest offer she ever got, so she said yes, and they rescheduled her meeting with all the people who’s doing business with him and got Lamya all settled. At the end of the day Lamya still succeeded in what she loves best: Art.

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