It's Me | Teen Ink

It's Me

February 11, 2022
By thederrickroddy BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
thederrickroddy BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  So, Derrick, who had gone pro for basketball, was doing his daily workout routine and he changed his location to another gym. He stopped going to his usual gym because they closed it down because of covid restrictions. So he had come upon his other self that was a bodybuilder and he saw him and he broke down in tears, because he loved seeing his other self doing good and being successful in life. So I hid in the restroom and just cried and he went home before the other Derrick saw him. So the Derrick that left him let the day go past and he decided to go back to the gym the next morning because he wanted to talk to him.

 So he went back to the gym and he wasn’t there. Then he finished his workout and he saw on the news his other future self had gotten in a bad car accident, and he wanted to see him. So he called up there and the hospital  and they said there were no guests allowed to see him. So he was mad about that and he went home and prayed his future self will be okay. So weeks went by and his future self was back in go mode in the gym.

 So he seemed the bodybuilder Derrick back working out and he went up to him and gave him a big hug and asked him how he was and he said “ one day at a time”. He also asked him how the car accident occurred, he said that a car tried to speed by him in a one way and hit the back of the car and both of the cars flipped. Sadly the person that hit him passed away and he was blessed to be alive. Then they just started talking about their life and saw how each other was doing. They got real close with each other and started working out together on a daily basis. But of course the body builder stayed for extra reps everyday.

  So the body builder stumbled upon another Future Derrick when he was done working out and saw him and his girl vlogging them workout. The bodybuilder was saying he wished somebody was there for him like the Youtube Derrick. They looked so happy together so I wanted to go over there and say hi and see what's been going on. So he went over there and said what's going on and hugged him and saw what was going on. He said he was doing good with youtube but he had a heart problem and he will get surgery next month. He has a bad heart condition, he wakes up and his heart feels like it wants to buss out of his chest so he takes medicine to cool it down. But everything else was good. He said he hasn't worked out since highschool and he wanted to get back to it then he said he will then he told him that the pro basketball player Derrick workout every morning if he wanted to join and he said yea. Now it's the first day to see all of the Future Derrick’s together for the first time.

Now they’re all on their way to the gym to get that workout in and spread love and positivity. So of course the youtuber Derrick was late to the workout but he was only 20mins late and the workout lasted about 2 hours. So when he got in the other future Derrick’s was already working out. So he went over there he said “ where you been at we see you aint got the camera here today” he go “that’s funny ain’t it”. Then they continue with their workout but the youtuber derrick was having problems with his heart throughout the workout. But they kept pushing him and he passed out mid workout. They rushed him to the hospital and they said he was going too hard and his heart got weaker by pushing himself like he did.

 Then they had to wait in the lobby to see if he was going to be okay and he was and the derrick that had heart problems went back home 2 weeks later and laid there with his girlfriend til he got healthy. He has been at home for months and it's not getting any better so he said he will go to the hospital in the morning but sadly he didn’t wake up. He passed away in his sleep because of his heart problems. So the future Derrick’s was crying and they felt so bad because they wanted to push him and he passed away from that.

 So the next couple days they went to his funeral and were just sitting there crying their eyes out and feeling bad because they felt it was their fault he passed. So they put him in the ground and  the brothers laid there and talked to him and apologized and everything. So everytime they work out they go their hardest for him. They also go see him everyday before they go workout to show that they are doing this for him and they love him.

 So time goes by and they go see him at his grave and his girlfriend is there this time and they hold her and say they were sorry and just tries to motivate her to keep going. Life doesn’t stop so stay strong not for him but for yourself also because that will kill her mentally because she doesn’t have the right state of mind. So she did that and got better as a person and continued youtube for her boyfriend. And the other 2 Derrick’s continued to be successful and do what they've been doing, but also work harder for their future self, because he isn’t here to cherish that moment anymore and live for him. Derrick is still a pro basketball player and the other Derrick is still a bodybuilder, but that tops this story of The 3 Future Derrick’s.

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