Sandal | Teen Ink


September 14, 2022
By Anonymous

Right before my eyes my life was crumbling and crashing down. Why? What did I do to
deserve this? I wanted answers. Where is my wife? Where is all of our money and why is it
gone? Why am I the target?
My morning started off as any other morning would, I got up brushed my teeth washed mt
face, showered, and put on my clothes for work. I went to work and made my coffee, sat at my
desk, and worked. So you could say I had a pretty great morning if you were to ask me, I even got
to leave work early. When I left work I went to grab some food, and that's when everything
started going downhill, it's like my life was flashing before my eyes. Now, I know you think
what could possibly be wrong. Well as I was paying for my food my card declined. Twice. I
called the bank to see why my card was declined. The lady on the phone tells me all the money
from my accounts had been withdrawn. I immediately call my wife, Lucie. I wasn't getting a pick-up from her, so I hurry off home.
I finally get home and don't dauble getting out of the car. I walk into the house and call
out for Lucie. “Lucie, I’m Home” and I get no reply. I check the whole house and Lucie is nowhere to be found. I called her phone once more and her phone was no longer in service. Where
could she be? Weeks before this happened, Lucie had been capricious the past couple of weeks. Almost like she was planning something. I opened the computer and looked at the search
history. I found that Lucie had booked a flight that morning after I left for work. I just didn't
understand why she would leave and not say anything. Lucie had seemed more closed off and
wanted to be alone, which wasn't like Lucie.
I had fallen in love with Lucie at a cafe she worked at. We ended up talking over cups of
coffee for hours. After that night we had been together ever since. We got married a month after
being together. We even found a house and moved in together, and been happy ever since. I had
gotten a text message from a random number that said “I know you want answers meet me at the
cafe” I went obviously because I wanted answers, because how could she just disappear like
that? When I got to the cafe, I look around to see where this mysterious person would be. It was
a woman sitting diagonally across from where I was standing. She makes eye contact with me
and I instantly knew it was the person to that I had gotten the message. I walk over and sit
down. It was silent for a second then she began to speak “Lucie is not who she says she is.”
Before I could say anything the woman interrupts me and said “ Lucie’s real name is Alex and she
is a con artist. She works for someone named MAN. Alex left because it was all part of MAN's
plan and this time was the perfect time for her to take action for his plan to work. No one
knows anything about MAN, but me I’m his ex-wife and I want revenge.” I sat there in complete
silence because I didn't have words. I just wanted my money back and answers. I agreed to help
the woman because it would help me get my money back. The woman told me to call her D.
After I agree me and D get in the car to take the first flight back to America.
After we get to America, there is a car waiting for D outside the airport. D tells me to get
in so I do. After D gets in the driver pulls off and we pull up to a tall building. D and I both get
3 Patterson
out of the car and go inside the building. The building was smelly and old and gave me a weird
vibe. We were headed towards an elevator. I started to get a bad feeling as if something were wrong
and I shouldn't be here. It had felt like a set up why and who was after me?
As we step out of the elevator, the room is pitch black and quiet. I call for D and the room
is still silent. Suddenly I’m being grabbed and I yell for help. My mouth was covered, and I feel
a needle go in my arm and everything goes black. As I began to wake up my head was hurting I
still couldn't see anything. I feel a familiar touch as the touch began to take off my blindfold. It
was Lucie, I was in shock. I had no words. Lucie tells me that we both have to get out of here.
Lucie explains that the woman who brought me here is her mother and the MAN is her father.
Lucie explains that her father the MAN set her out on a mission to take all your money and
valuables and leave her with nothing. Why? I have no idea. Lucie says she was forced to do this.
I feel bad. Then suddenly we hear a loud BOOM. Lucie tells me to run. She explains that she is
in love with me and that our love means more than anything to her, and that she never wanted
anything to do with this. I forgive her because these people don't seem right in the head.
Lucie and I are still running, then suddenly I fall and something is pulling me I scream
at Lucie to run but she stops running completely. She faces me and looks past me, and
before I knew it she was running with a knife in her hand. I close my eyes and cover my ears and
when I open my eyes and uncover my ears everything is quiet and dark.
I hear police sirens outside the building, and I see Lucie sitting holding herself. She
wouldn't talk she just sat there. Lucie says that she had killed both her parents because she
couldn't take it anymore. She was tired of her parents using her to get revenge on each other. From
that day forward I never spoke about the situation ever again. Lucie and I ended up flying back to Paris to live in our big beautiful house, Lucie and I have never been happier with just
being with each other.

The author's comments:

I just idk whatever came to my head

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