Dog Walk | Teen Ink

Dog Walk

September 21, 2022
By Leila786 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Leila786 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One's typical dog walk would usually consist of just you walking your dog and maybe stopping a couple times having a quick conversation with a neighbor. For example 

NEIGHBOR : “Hi , how are u doing today’’

ME:” I'm doing extravagant  today”

 Ect……. Ect…….

   Well mine didn't end up being like that everything was normal but not normal , but  you will  understand why it was but wasn't.

My  normal day to day routine involves me walking my dog at least two - three times a  day. Usually I’d walk him before I got to work but today I ran short on time with having to shower and get ready for work  and I wasn't able to , but I knew I was going to be too tired after work to walk him . My shift started at 4PM and ended at  11PM, this would be to late for me to be out walking my dog. 

     When I arrived home I was exhausted, my head was hurting and I was just tired, but  in the back of my mind I  knew my dog needed to be walked.  I decided to lay on my bed and get on tik tok and instagram , by the time I  looked at the clock  forty  minutes  had already passed ,  but it didn't feel real I didn't feel awake but I took it as I was just tired  so I got my dogs leash and put it on him I then  put  my shoes on and walk out the door .

  Walking  outside  my front door I quickly realized that something was really off.  I say that because my mail lady was barking at me and my dog.  Crazy I know right! I quickly thought why would the  mail lady  be  out at this time of night  and on top of that  barking at me and my dog,  so I asked myself this.

“Is this real ,  am I really living this”

“Why is this happening to me” 

I asked myself every  question possible I could possibly ask  myself, with no answer because it all felt UNREAL , but I  went with it, I went with it and thought maybe I'm just tired. The one and only question  I couldn't get off my mind was “is this real”? I tried to ignore the questions in my mind and continue  walking due to it being late and everything just being so weird from the moment we left the house. They got weirder as  I continued to walk when I suddenly saw  my old neighbor on his hands and knees begging HIS DOG… for a treat, “what the hell” are the exact words that came out of my mouth at that moment .

  At that moment I didn't know  if to keep walking or ask my neighbor all the questions I had. I could just walk away and ignore what I had just witnessed so I decided to ask my neighbor 

ME: “Why are u being walked and not the one walking ?”

NEIGHBOR: “ bark bark bark bark’’

ME: “ you don't speak?’’

NEIGHBOR: “ (gives me his paw and sits then barks) bark bark bark bark’’
Chihuahua:” he doesn't understand you (referring to my neighbor) he then tells me but I have a question for you. Why are you not on a leash and your dog walking you?

ME: (looks down at my dog) 

  I was so confused because  my dog was standing on his back legs like a human. He walked up to me and said “ sit” . I of course did not listen , “I am not a dog” I told him my dog decided that he would just stay there and sit and gave me a look that confused me. 

   I keep on walking just to see the most disturbing  things ever: humans pooping and peeing on their own lawns and their dogs picking it up. Just as they would usually do , I run back towards my house while running I started to feel my  arms weigh down and that quick I was running on all four like a dog.As soon as I came up to my house I see  my dog  outside by the stairs  waiting for me and tells me “go pee and poo’’. So I listened and suddenly I got the urge to go. I smelled the grass, walked around, sniffed a plant here and there and urinated some more. I stopped at some point because I could not believe that I was mocking my dog's behavior, this has to be a dream I said to myself. 

    Once the worst of the worst happened I got this deep gut feeling that what I had just done ( pee and pooped) was so wrong. I questioned myself over and over if this whole situation was even real makes me just sit and feel so confused’’  I thought in my head, I finally realized why things felt off and unreal it was because I WAS ASLEEP, THE WHOLE TIME IT WAS ALL A DREAM… the using the restroom part was all a vain fantasy .All of this  happened because I have been so exhausted from going to school and working double shift sometimes.                                                                              

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