Immortally Mortal | Teen Ink

Immortally Mortal

December 18, 2022
By Anonymous

I still remember what those days were like so vividly, but I wish I realized how green the trees were, how everything was so colorful. How the flowers were dancing with the wind, and the peaceful sounds of people strolling the streets. It was spring, the perfect weather for a season I cared less for but fit the youthful, playful personality that you had, but I never did. I found it surprising that I was having fun with you, a mere mortal boy, I was certain it would somehow last forever.


“So how did it end up like this?”


“You’re now dead.”


“How can the death of a mortal hurt me this much?”


These thoughts were all swirling in my head at once, while I stared blankly into the water, watching as my tears distorted my reflection.                              




The feeling of my hand slapping that arrogant mortal’s face was quite satisfying.


“Move, you old lady!” I yelled.


How did this old woman even have the audacity to get in my way?


I smirked at the woman who finally fell to the ground. I liked how I was the one looking down while she was just too scared to look up.


Being in this city, which is right next to the imaginary line that separates the immortal and mortal communities sure is different! This must be why my boss requested for me to be here! This place is filled with mortals who just don’t know their place.


Hah, now that I dealt with her, where did the mortal boy run off to? How dare he scoff at me, did he not see my ears? I looked around, but all I saw were useless plants and some trees to decorate the rural roads to the park I was at. I guess I lost him, but if I see him again, I’ll make sure to catch him.


As I complained about the mortal boy, a sudden vibration came from the pocket of my fancy pants.


Bzzt! It was my phone. It was currently 4:24 pm, and someone was calling me, my boss, Alastor.

As I was going to pick up the call, I smiled, how proud I was to be working for him. He is very close to President Eric of the immortal side! By working under Alastor, I am more than just nobility! It’s a fit position for someone in the Eugene family said by Alastor himself!


“Greetings boss! How are you doing? I assume there is something that I need to do, so just say the word and I will proceed right away!” I said in an eager voice.


“Yes yes, I’m doing quite well. There is indeed something I need you to do, so how about we meet at Rue Cafe? I will send you the destination.”


And with those words, I immediately started my car to meet up with my boss.




“What?” You want me to-”


“Yes, kill them if they resist. You and I both know you are capable of doing so.”


There was suddenly a long silent pause here. As I waited for him to break the ice, the once- welcoming coffee scent in the cafe became more and more nauseating. It filled the room to the point where it made me dizzy.


“You have been working under me for over 20 years, and you are now in your 30s. Still incredibly young, but I was still thinking of appointing you as my successor. So, if you succeed in this final task…


“I think you know the reward.”


Yes, I do know. After Alastor retires from working, I will take his place. Even though that may still take another few decades since he’s only in his hundreds, my future would be set! I would work right under our esteemed president. A position much higher than what I am in right now! My mother and father would definitely be proud then.


It didn’t take me long to think it over. I was a little taken aback when he first talked about killing mortals, but it doesn’t matter anymore.


“I will take your offer boss!”


And with that, I was off to start my final task.


I was still standing in the front of the cafe after the conversation with Alastor. I heard as my heartbeat was racing, the excitement and mixture of emotions made me all giddy.


What an exciting day!


I immediately started thinking of places where I could start my last task. Nothing really came to mind until I thought of that annoying mortal boy and that old lady. I recall the last time I saw both of them was near Janus Park. That is a nice 15 minutes away, perfect!


I don’t know why I want to go there though, it’s not like I am expecting the same 2 mortals to be loitering around that park. But Boss gave me a week to finish this task, I might as well just take my time looking around for now.


Driving through this city to get to Janus Park, I have to say, is so strange.


How could such young mortals be so bold, to run around smiling as if they were not ashamed at all?


I keep hearing giggles of small, weak little children having such a fun time, how annoying.


But that’s not the most surprising bit of it, as I stopped at a red light, I spotted a woman tying up what seemed to be her mortal daughter’s hair into a high ponytail. That little girl’s shiny, light brown hair swirled around, dancing with the mother’s fingers and hair tie. Once the mother finally tied everything up, the girl smiled, showing off her mortal ears.


That was infuriating!


Back in the city I came from, mortals didn’t even have the bravery to lift their heads up! Let alone pull their hair back to show their round ears, which were clearly inferior to immortal ears. My kind had ears that were pointier and could be decorated with rich, polished jewels!


As the red light turned green, I put my gaze back onto the road and finally spotted Janus Park. But even though this place is called Janus Park on my phone, it wasn’t really a park. There were no swings or slides, but instead, there was a lake. That glimmering lake was covered by a narrow bridge, I guess to allow people to look down and admire the ducks and swans, although I don’t get what’s so great about animals that will die anyway.


To my surprise, as I stepped out of my car into the parking lot, I spotted the same impudent boy from earlier. He was standing on the narrow bridge, looking at the ducks. But as I walked toward him, he turned his head.


He looked straight at me, as I stood there awkwardly. His eyes told me he noticed my ears. But guess what? He smiled and then started waving to me anyway.


That was all it took for me to snap.


I instantly closed in on him and threw a punch, but to my surprise he blocked it! Those two smaller hands wrapped around my much larger fist. I was so astonished that I didn’t realize that although he blocked my punch, he did fall to the ground. 


At least that makes sense. I bet I’m twice the weight of this mortal boy, but how is he unharmed?


“I win.” The mortal boy said as he continued to smile.


“What?” I asked, still dazed.


“You’re rock, I’m paper, so you lose and I win.”


Since when were we playing rock paper scissors? And how can he laugh even in this situation? Still dumbfounded, I didn't realize that I released my fist that was supposedly the “rock.”


“My name is Jullian, what’s yours?” Asked the mortal boy.


In my head, I was very tempted to say, “why would I tell you,” but I ended up telling him for some reason.


“Aeolus.” I said as I eventually stood up.


What am I doing? I thought, as I unknowingly started walking along the bridge with Jullian.


“What is an immortal like you doing here?” Jullian asks.


I don’t answer. Instead, I’m thinking about whether or not I should use Jullian for my task. I have to bring 5 “rebellious” mortals to the capital of the immortal country. If they resist, I am to kill them. It doesn’t seem that bad of a task other than the murdering part, so why am I hesitating?


“Well okay, if you won’t answer that question, I'll ask another. Why do you think your country is allowing this mortal city to exist? You guys could easily get rid of us, so why do you think so?”


I have to admit, that was a good question. And I honestly didn’t know, he was right, why didn’t President Eric just get rid of this city? It wouldn’t be difficult at all.


I stayed silent.


“Wow, you don’t know? My dead parents were right then, you immortals are mean yet oblivious of yourselves. It’s because you guys constantly seek to feel superior. There aren’t many mortals in the immortal city to begin with, am I right? Many are already dying from being mistreated as servants. This is the last piece of land with a decent number of mortals where you guys can go.”


That kind of stuck to me. Those few sentences made me doubt things I’ve been taught, but only a little bit, only a little because I refused to believe it. Why would I believe a mortal, right?


“Yeah right, stop spouting all this nonsense kid. Why am I even walking around with you?” I said, and then turned around toward the parking lot.


“What, you’re leaving already? Come on! One last round of rock paper scissors?” Jullian said earnestly.


“Fine.” I said, surprisingly finding myself ready to throw a paper this time.


It ended in a tie, Jullian just had to choose paper again. I’m not finding this silly little game fun, am I? Whatever, I’m going back to my car.


“Okay, you can leave now, Aeolus. But if you wanna play this again, you know where to find me! I will be here every day at this time.” Jullian said as I walked away.


I checked the time, it’s 4:50 pm. Jullian will be here at this time every day?




After that day, I found myself actually visiting Janus Park. I am ashamed to say that it’s been like this for 5 days, and I am planning to go to the park today too. I have made absolutely no progress in my final task which is supposed to raise my social status significantly. I only have today left, today’s the final day. So I guess I should have expected a phone call from Alastor.


Bzzt. “I think you know why I’m calling Aeolus. I will not ask you why you have not captured or killed a single mortal. I will simply say this. If you don’t kill at least one mortal by 4:50 pm today, I will personally send someone to kill Jullian. You hear me? No need to send them to the capital. If you do as you are told, I will extend your deadline so you are given 1 more day. You need to show mortals that we are not to be messed with.”


“What? How do you know Jullian? Also, I haven’t made any progress in this assignment because I er- was trying to pick people for this task carefully! This isn’t fair!”


“Don’t make those excuses, Aeolus Eugene. I know this Jullian boy because I sent someone to look after you obviously, all they did was tell me what you have been doing for the past 5 days. In the end, this is all for your own good. Now get on with this task, right now, and I mean it! Right now!” Alastor said before hanging up.


So instead of getting ready to go to the park, I was immediately thinking of what to do. Alastor’s spy is probably watching me this second, and I know Alastor meant what he said. What should I do? It’s already 4:49 pm!


At that moment, as I stood in front of the hotel I was at, I spotted the same old woman I met on my first day in this city. I recalled how easy it was to just bring her onto the ground. I was just about to foolishly attack her, until I suddenly stopped.


It was at this moment until I recalled one of my conversations with Jullian, a conversation I had with him just yesterday.




“Hey, promise me you won’t ever harm a mortal,” Julian said sternly that day.


“That would be-” I was just about to explain the task I was given until I was interrupted.


“And don’t go attacking random people either like when you first met me, ok?” Jullian said jokingly, with the same bright grin he had all the time.


For some reason, his playful smile made it hard to explain anything. If he knew what I was ordered to do, would he still give me that smile? Would he even want to be near me?


“Ok.” I said.




I made a promise, so I can’t just kill the old lady. I don’t want to break a promise with the first friend I have ever had.


But if I don’t do anything, I am risking Jullian’s life!  What should I do? I am stuck between Jullian’s life and the promise I made to him.


It was all so frustrating! I kept debating on what to do that I didn’t notice that time was ticking.


So I looked at my phone.


4:52 pm


With all the years I have been with Alastor, I knew how punctual he was. I admired that part of him, but now I wish he wasn't like that.


So I ran quickly back into my car and started driving back to Janus Park as fast as I could. I probably went past the speed limits, but that was the least of my problems.


I swear my heart was beating as fast as my car. Was I even gripping the steering wheel properly? My hands felt so clammy and stiff too. As I finally arrived in the parking lot of Janus Park, I still didn’t see Jullian.


“He’s probably just late to the bridge today, there’s no way he’s actually dead. I will definitely save him in time.” I really tried convincing myself, but his absence bothered me.


Jullian always seemed to be at the bridge early. Every time I met up with him, he was always smiling, but his eyes told me that he was missing something in his life. Was it his parents?


I couldn’t relate, I did not feel any connection with my own parents.


I got out of my car, and quickly sprinted toward the bridge.


“He’s not dead.” I constantly tried to assure myself.


As I walked along the bridge, there was no sight of Jullian anywhere. I leaned against the side of the bridge, in hopes of calming myself down. I was still motivated to find Jullian, wherever he was.


Until I looked down into the lake.


There he was, Jullian in the lake. I could barely see the outline of his corpse with the now reddish lake covering him, but even with all my denying, I knew it was him.


Jullian is dead.


I was too late.


Thinking about the few days I had heedlessly spent time with Jullian made me want to scream. I should have expected this and prepared for Alastor’s schemes. Instead I did nothing, and stayed around Jullian without a care in the world.


This is all my fault.


I let my tears continuously add to the stained lake, hoping the lake would look at least a little less red.


It wasn’t until I couldn’t bear to look into the bloodied side of the lake anymore, that I leaned my body onto the other side of the bridge, looking down from there. This side has no corpse, the lake is clear. It’s not yet red with blood. The ducks and swans are still here. I look around to admire the green trees and grass with the orange and pinkish sky. This side is filled with life, and it somehow calmed me down.


It was the first time I found life to be so beautiful.

The author's comments:

I am a grade 9th high school student.

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