first date | Teen Ink

first date

January 27, 2023
By jjpoetry624 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
jjpoetry624 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First date

Today is the big day. Giraffe had been so excited for a few days so much that it was hard to fall asleep the night before. This day is when Giraffe will meet Polar Bear to have their first date at the ice skating rink. As Giraffe is super excited, he is also nervous as he has a memory flash in his brain as he is sitting down eating cocoa leaf cereal. “I don’t understand it like how could those two possibly be together, it's just so weird and unnatural” Giraffe overhears Bunny talking to Turtle before math class in middle school. Giraffe shakes his head as he doesn't want his memory from his school a few years ago to ruin his excitement. 

Giraffe grabs his coat and looks in the mirror. “I can do this. Don’t change yourself for anyone.” Ding! He takes his phone from his pocket and reads the message from Polar Bear saying, “Hi! Excited to see you today. Let's meet by the front doors at 4?” Giraffe gets a little flushed and he could feel his heart skip a beat. As he walks in the cool breeze he plugs in his earbuds and listens to upbeat music. 

As Giraffe waits by the two big glass doors in the front of the reddish brown brick building as he spots Polar Bear out in the distance. “Hi Polar!” he says as he waves with a fast hand. They both go inside and almost instantly they notice certain looks from the people behind the cashier and the people grabbing shoes. “Is it just me or are we getting funny looks?” Polar Bear says. Giraffe looks around anxiously thinking about the flashback memory while noticing the whispering around them. “Let's just go, Polar.” “No, I want to stay. We won't let a little whispering ruin our fun will we?” Giraffe shakes his head feeling persuaded but still cautious. 

They both grab their shoes, tie them on and head down the stairs to the ice rink. Giraffe feels his excitement coming back as he hadn’t been to the ice rink in so long let alone had never been on a date before. They slowly step on the ice holding hands to catch each other if they fall. They get more looks from the other skaters on the rink but Polar seems oblivious to this fact. He doesn't seem to mind anything and is not distracted by any little thing which confuses Giraffe. “How could he be so calm with all these people staring and whispering?” he thinks. As they make their way gradually picking up speed going around in circles, Giraffe falls hard on his butt and Polar rushes to his safety as they both begin to cackle about this situation. More dirty looks were given as if all the attention was on them but not in the most positive way it could've been. Two cats flash by and make a rude comment about the two but Giraffe couldn't quite catch what they said. Suddenly Polar Bear rushes both of them and stops them in their tracks. “How could you say that? We have done nothing wrong and nothing that could possibly have been that bad to interfere with your life. Why can't you just leave us alone? I am not afraid to be with Giraffe and I will have so much more fun than you guys will ever experience in your close minded little nut sized brains could understand.” Giraffe looks astonished and proud but even more in love. They decide to leave but as they walk out the door the Giraffe turns to Polar Bear and says, “Thank you, I really enjoyed this. I would love to go on another date if you wa-" Polar cuts him off, "I would love to.”

And they lived happily ever after

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