A walk though the forest | Teen Ink

A walk though the forest

January 31, 2023
By Anonymous

A Walk through the forest

Walking through a lonely forest,

loads of frogs talk back to greet me

As I travel deeper I can finally see the light

A kind sloth plays the banjo for me and guides me through the realm

There sits a house made from a ginormous mushroom,

Reminding me of a blissful summer night

The running creek water is silent, but violent,

And brings me back of driving for the first time

Climbing through the trees

All I can imagine is tarzan swinging with monkeys

I see the light, but it is not bright enough

This makes me remember the sun peeping through the blinds before I wake

Now out of the forest I am saved and see light

Much like a cold glass of water on a dry summer day

I return home

It all feels like a nightmare that simply is not real

By:Michael Bachmann

The author's comments:

I like nature and the beauty that occurs in it

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