Sea Surprise | Teen Ink

Sea Surprise

January 31, 2023
By writergirl06 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
writergirl06 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I had the strangest dream where I sailed away to the mediterranean sea, landing in the middle of the ocean. “NO!” I was screaming as I realized that the stormy weather in Italy brought Jackson. I realized it would take me 8 hours on a plane to get back from Italy. The ocean was this green-gray color mixed with blue. Then the rain started coming down as crisp as a Diet Coke with lots of bubbles some ice and a straw. I looked down into the ocean and saw blue and yellow seahorses, galloping through the waves. All I could think about was the eggs with toast and bacon. “Bruh” Jackson said looking at me “nope adios” I say swimming to the shore a few miles north. As I arrived on that land I was befounded by all the people in high heels and lawyers walking around and then all the sudden I see a picture of a unicorn and the scariest thing of all the Meg. 16847 different thoughts were going through my head The next thing I knew I was in the hospital and they asked me what my one wish was I said to meet Zendaya at the 25-year-old who was in Spider-Man no way home to meet Vincent van Gogh the famous artist They said that wasn't possible and the only one they could get me to meet was Rosa Parks so I agreed and Rosa Parks told me “I love you to the moon and back”.  Next thing I knew I heard a ringing and I was awoken to my alarm for another day at school


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