The Crusades of the Crustaceans | Teen Ink

The Crusades of the Crustaceans

February 1, 2023
By hdrider89 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
hdrider89 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Last night I dreamt of a dream some might consider beige, boring, not interesting, unimportant.

But when Genghis Khan is fighting the hodag across the singing Lake Superior. The dew was so thick you could almost just bottle it up and drink it out of a can much like Mtn. Dew. When it was all said and done, the president had an emergency state of the union saying “Lake Superior and Umgebung has been overtaken by Oysters due to the fighting, with the oysters has come harsh and snowy weather.” It was enough shock to make the young whippersnapper Clint Eastwood jump and yell Good Golly! This event launched an all out war between the Oysters and the Nike Monarch wearing dads who were hungry. The intuition of the dads tricking the oysters into a deep fryer meant the victory over the oysters. 10 years later, Stevie sits at the Bavarian Beer Hall in Münich, hungry for Corned Beef Hash. The band, Crosby Stills and Nash started to sing. “This is dedicated to Marvin Gaye, the Prince of Soul.” If you smile at me, I will understand, because that is something everybody everywhere does in the same language. A stranger appears before her, saying “Let’s go dancing.”

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