War For The Realm | Teen Ink

War For The Realm

March 2, 2023
By Steven123006 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
Steven123006 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Why does it have to be so cold out here?”, thought Tim. Tim was walking home from work since it only takes a couple minutes to walk. He doesn’t live in the safest city, but he doesn’t usually worry very much about it.

One day Tim passed by an alley, someone grabbed him from within the alley and threw him to the ground. “What was that for?!”, yelled Tim. He didn’t realize he was at gunpoint when he yelled. Tim was being robbed, he thought, “Am I going to die?” The robber demanded, “Give me all your valuables.” Instead of giving the robber what he wanted, Tim did something kind of dumb. He charged the robber, trying to tackle him and take the gun. When Tim charged him, he didn’t even make it to the robber, the trigger was pulled. Tim was shot in the head, and he fell to the ground. When the cops got there, Tim laid on the ground, dead with his blood spilled on the ground.

After that, Tim somehow woke up, and he was very confused. He thought, “How am I still alive?” Then, Tim realized that he wasn’t in a place that looked familiar, not his home and not a hospital. “Where am I? Am I actually still alive?” Tim thought. There was a shadow that moved in the corner of his eye. He turned around and saw a ghost. “AHH!” screamed Tim. He didn’t even believe ghosts were real, but there was one right there in front of him. The ghost then said, “Relax; I’m not going to hurt you, since you’re on our side.” Tim was confused about what the ghost meant by “our side.”He looked down at his hands and body and realized that he was almost a see through color. This freaked him out even more, and he passed out in shock and fear. 

When Tim woke up again, he asked the ghost, “Who are you? What did you mean by ‘our side’ earlier?” The ghost responded, “I’m Kevin, what I meant by our side was that you became a ghost when you died and are on the ghosts side of the war. I know it’s a lot to think about, but just stay calm and follow me.” Tim followed Kevin to a barracks, and Kevin showed him around the entire ghost base. Kevin then explained, “This is the ghost base and we have to fight the zombies. If we beat the zombies, we rule this realm between life and death. If we lose we will all end up dead or servants for the zombie rulers. Usually people think ghosts can’t be touched, which means that they can’t get hurt. This is true in the realm of life, but in this realm zombies and their weapons can hit you like any weapons could’ve hit you while you were alive.” After he was filled in, Tim understood what was going on enough, and realized he would have to fight in this war whether he wanted to or not.

Tim was trained to fight the zombies, and he also learned how to dodge attacks from regular weapons. While it is hard to dodge bullets or explosions, he was taught how to take cover in most situations. Taking cover would increase anybody's chance of survival. Tim was no longer afraid of most stuff because of his training. This training was full of things to be afraid of, but after they force you to watch these things enough, you don’t get afraid anymore. Tim knew that the scary situations were only simulations, but at first he was still afraid. He had to watch hundreds of thousands of ghosts die in those simulations. Ghosts don’t have red blood, but they do have a clearish-white liquid that flows out of them. This liquid works just like blood for a human, lose too much of it and you die. Zombies have infected blood that looks greenish, Tim also had to watch this gross blood flow out of zombies. He was prepared for almost any situation during the war.

Tim went through more training on how to be a good comrade to his squadron. He had to learn how to cover them, and watch where he points his weapon. He learned how to do medical things such as, putting on a tourniquet or giving an adrenaline shot. His aim got better as he trained to aim for the vital points of the zombies. Their vital parts are their heads and legs. The legs may seem like a weird vital point, but when the legs are shot off the zombies bleed out fast. The zombies also have to crawl around, which makes it hard for them to catch the ghosts until they die. Tim had to carry his group members around to make it easier if he had to in a fight. He had to work on his body a lot more because in the realm he’s in is just like the living realm when it comes to body strength. He worksout more since he was a skinny and kind of weak person when he was living. Tim has to do 1,000 push ups and sit ups each in one day, he also has to do 500 pull ups and run 10 miles a day. He continues to train until he feels like he can’t move or breathe, and feels like he’s going to throw up.

At the end of each day Tim has a MRE, which isn't a great source of food. They use water and a heater to make all the food they have, and some of it looks inedible and gross. Kevin always comes to eat with Tim because Kevin is in his group and was the first ghost Tim had met. Tim says, “This tastes gross. Why does vegetable soup always have an awful flavor?” Kevin responds with, “I know what you mean. My favorite MRE is the beef and noodle because it actually tastes good. The crackers are too dry though.” They kept talking about how bad most of the MRE’s are until it was lights out, and they had to go to bed. When Tim and his group woke up, they realized it was their rest day. They all got excited because rest days only happen once every two weeks. This time it was an entire month because one of the other soldiers talked back to their sergeant. The sergeant worked them harder than usual on what was supposed to be their rest day that week. The group went and got breakfast, then they relaxed and watched other groups train. They spent their day eating and having as much fun as possible. Tim’s group has 6 people in it including him. The names of all the people in the group are: Tim, Kevin, Aaron, Mateo, James, and Spencer.

After a few months of training, this group went into its first fight of the war. Lucky for them, these were the weaker zombies that had smaller weapons. The smaller weapons can be anything from their fists up to a pistol. During this fight, the group never even got touched. They killed all of the zombies, and pretty much got to use it as training. “That fight was pretty easy, I can tell your aim has improved, Tim,” Kevin said happily. “Thank you, Kevin. I would say James did really well with medical stuff,” Tim responded. James declared, “Knife skills goes to Mateo, did you guys see him stab the zombie in the head, then rip it off?” Aaron said, “I saw it, Spencer gets the too temperamental award. He got so mad he threw his gun at the zombie, and he started to fist fight it. Lucky for him the gun he threw hit the gun out of the zombie’s hand.” “I might have thrown my gun, and it might have been dangerous. But, I will not take this from any of you, that zombie was being annoying so I did something he wasn’t expecting,” Spencer yelled. The sergeant heard Spencer and he asked, “What have I told you about doing stupid things when you don’t put your anger in check. I’ve told you to stop and think before you do something bad. What if that gun would have fired from the impact and hit one of your team members?” Spencer nervously responded, “I-I-I’m sorry, sir. It w-won’t happen again, sir.” The sergeant walked away from the group. Once he was out of earshot, they all started laughing at Spencer. Spencer got mad and walked away from the group, and he went back to the barracks to relax. The rest of the group went to the showers to wash up. They hung out for the rest of the day because they had nothing else to do. 

For the next couple months, they kept training and doing small battles. These battles only got easier and easier, these zombies began to look weaker each fight. When they were put in a harder fight, they spent more time fighting since the zombies were stronger. During aim training, Tim improved so much that he became the marksman of the group. Mateo was the best at hand to hand combat, especially with a knife. James became the medic of the group, and was also a great fighter. Aaron was great at breaching into buildings and checking the corners. Kevin was a ghost for a longer period of time than the rest of the group, and he had the most experience. Spencer learned to control his anger, and he manages to think before he acts in situations that make him mad. Since Kevin had the most experience, he became the Captain of the group. Tim showed great improvement, and was the first to become a first lieutenant. Mateo also became a first lieutenant because of  his fighting skill. James is still a second lieutenant, but he is very close to being promoted to first. Aaron and Spencer still need to improve a good amount to be promoted. They are both good fighters, but they need better focus and skill improvement. After these promotions were announced, another fight for the group was announced. This fight would be the hardest one yet.

“Watch out for the big one, 12 o-clock, and the small group to your 9 o-clock, Tim,” Kevin said through the radios. This was their first fight that had the big zombies. The big zombies were the second smallest and the second most common. “Got it, James, can I get a small amount of bandaging?” Tim asked. James tossed Tim a bandage, and shot a zombie who got too close. Blood and guts splattered all over James, and a little got on Tim. Tim used the bandage to wipe himself off instead of patch himself up. James used his water to clean off some. James smelled like the rotting flesh of the zombie and couldn’t get the smell off of him. It made him gag, but luckily he didn't throw up. Spencer grouped up with them, and it made him throw up. Spencer got angry because the smell wouldn’t go away, but he calmed himself down thanks to his training. 

They all heard a loud footstep, and they saw their first Goliath zombie. This zombie is named after Goliath from the Bible. It is one of the biggest and rarest zombies to come across. It took a swing at Kevin, but it missed him. “Everybody retreat and regroup,” yelled Kevin. They all regrouped in a hidden spot, and the Goliath couldn’t find them. “We need a plan to kill that thing!” said Tim. James said, “I have a plan. We can use the tripwires and explosives. If we put it across a gap just small enough to hit it, we can blow its legs off. If the legs aren’t damaged enough, it will probably still fall from the impact. Once its legs are gone or it falls, we can use our heavy firearms.” “Let’s go find a place to get set up. We’ll use the turrets and the rest of our mines to kill it. Everybody will aim for the head. If this plan doesn’t work, we are going to retreat completely. Let’s move!” Kevin ordered. 

After they got set up in the right location, Aaron asked, “Who are we using as bait to lure the Goliath here?” Mateo responded, “I will be the bait because I’m the fastest runner here.” “That’s really brave of you Mateo, but as your captain, I can’t let you do it. I will be the one to do it just in case it fails. I am the oldest and have the most experience in movement skills.” said Kevin. Spencer angrily said, “I agree with Mateo, he has great movement speed and skills. Captain, your abilities are barely better than his. Just let Mateo do it.” Kevin responded, “Don’t talk back to me again Spencer. Alright Mateo, I’ll let you do it. If you fail, I will feel guilty, and you will die.” After Mateo left to lead the Goliath, the group set extra mines that they hoped it would fall on. They waited for half an hour, and they started to get worried that Mateo didn’t make it back. Once their hopes were fading, they heard the footsteps and the ground started to shake.

“Incoming! I recommend you all take cover. You don’t want a chunk of the Goliath to hit you, or you will die,” Kevin yelled. “It is really close behind me,so get ready boys,” Mateo said into the radio. When Mateo got back to them, the Goliath zombie was only two of its big steps behind. It hit the long string of wires, and made the explosives explode. The explosion only took off one of its legs. The other leg was damaged, but still usable by the Goliath. The chunks of the blow off leg went flying, and there was blood and muscles everywhere. The thick greenish liquid was flowing out of the zombie very quickly. The Goliath fell on the extra mines they placed, and one of his arms got blown off. The squadron quickly started firing the turrets. They started aiming for the head and eyes. If they take out its eyesight, it will have to rely on its other senses. With constant gunfire, the Goliath would struggle to use its hearing. It would start swinging, and it would hope that it hits one of the ghost soldiers. The group shot through one eye, so the Goliath is missing 3 body parts. Its movements are slowed, and it can hardly even stand. The Goliath is half blind due to its missing eye. Its blood is flowing out fast, so it will die soon. It starts using the rest of its energy to swing at the soldiers. They keep firing and eventually they kill it. They finished it off by shooting at its head and heart. The group got to return to base, and they got to relax for 2 weeks straight. This fight fatigued them, and they each slept for almost an entire day.

After the 2 weeks were over, the group trained even more. Kevin stayed as the Captain, and he denied the offer to move up. He denied it because he would have to leave the group, and he didn’t want to do that. Tim and Mateo were already second lieutenants. James got promoted to second lieutenant before Aaron and Spencer. Aaron and Spencer were promoted together to the same rank as the rest. They all celebrated, and they had a night as fun as it could get in a military base. They tried new weapons, and these weapons weren’t used on the battlefield. They wouldn’t need to be used before this war ends. They all had dinner together, and it was actual food. They didn’t have to eat an MRE this night, and they got a good night's rest.

The General told the group, “You men are going into the hardest, craziest, fight you’ve been part of. This plan is coming from the top of this army’s food chain. They want to send you guys and a few other squadrons to the zombie base. They believe that this group is capable of a lot. I believe you guys can break in and end this war.” The team got ready, and equipped itself with heavier weapons and extra of everything they had. They got sent off to the zombie base, and on the way there, they got into small easy battles to start. The closer they got to the zombie base, the harder the fights were for them. When they got to the base, they put a bunch of breaching explosives on the outside wall. The zombies were alerted immediately, and the group and all the other squadrons got swarmed by weak zombies. They killed all of those zombies, and ran into big zombies. The big zombies took an entire day to beat, so they had people watching as they rested. These people would switch every few hours until they were all rested up. The next waves of zombies were all Goliath zombies. It was hard for the group to fight one a few months ago, but they were trained better on how to fight Goliaths. They also have bigger weapons, and the weapons make it easier to kill these zombies. It still took them an entire week to fight all of the Goliaths that the base had. Several members of other squadrons were killed or injured while fighting the Goliaths. It was a bloodbath of the greenish blood of zombies and the clearish-white blood of the ghosts. Luckily everybody in Tim’s group was still alive. The group and what was left of the other squadrons made it to the final area of the base. This part had 2 zombies that were double the size of Goliaths. These zombies protected the King of the zombies. These two zombies were difficult to kill, and they proceeded to brutally murder all the other squadrons one by one. There was nothing but ghost blood and guts everywhere. Tim’s group was all that was left, and they were starting to lose hope that they could win. Kevin thought up a plan. “We are going to have half of us be distractions, and the other half is going to shoot at vulnerable spots on these zombies. We will win this war here and now. Let’s keep moving and continue to fight. We are not giving up on this. The half that would distract would be Spencer, Aaron, and Mateo. While Mateo is a good shooter and fighter, the group needs him for speed while distracting the zombies. Kevin is the best fighter because of the experience he has. Tim is the best marsman, so he is needed to aim at vulnerable spots. James is there to heal anybody that needs it, so he can’t be hurt just in case. They took turns distracting the zombies until one was dead from a perfect headshot by Tim. The zombie’s brains went everywhere, and some blood got on Spencer, so he puked. They eventually killed the other zombie, and Aaron almost got stepped on because he wasn’t as fast as he needed to be. They went into the King’s final room, and killed him to win the war. This group was celebrated as heroes, and they were given credit for ending the war. They gave credit to the other squadrons that helped them get that far. They all got to live, and they owned the realm. The ghosts didn’t know that there was a secret bunker under the zombie base!!

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