Vomit | Teen Ink


June 21, 2023
By evancarr SILVER, Seattle, Washington
evancarr SILVER, Seattle, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

VOMIT, scientifically known as emesis, refers to the forceful ejection of some or all contents of the stomach through the mouth. 

dad dwe have any colored pencils? my last one broke and i cant find any for my homework. 

Hm. Whatsorry I have- no idea where they might be. Go check with your mom or your brother. Lift up some things, I have to get some work done but we can talk later. 

Emesis may be caused by many factors, such as certain smells, irritation to the stomach, infections, stress, pain, motion sickness, migraines, certain medicines, some diseases or conditions, and brain injury or concussion. 

dad I looked everywhere, did you move them? mom ordered me a box and I think I saw them somewhere so you have to have moved them. 

Son, I told you, I need to work, your dad is very busy, and I have no idea where your colored pencils are. I have a lot of things to do and am trying to just get this damn- sorry hehheh, um, my work, my paper here done and then when it is I am happy to help you find your pencils. 

ok dad but you have to promise because I need colored pencils for my homework and sorry about your work but I also have work and need to find my pencils so please just come out here soon and show me where you put them. 

Additionally, emesis can be a symptom of some cancers or diseases, as well as being a side effect of some cancer treatments. Nausea typically proceeds emesis. 

ok mom and I both looked and we cant find them and she thought that she had seen you putting them away when you cleaned the countertop so can you just remember where you put them because I need them 

GOD- that must have been two minutes, there is no way you looked anywhere seriously. Just- look- I have some real work that needs to be done, heh, I... don’t like it, you don’t like it, nobody f*cking- fudging! your dad said fudging- likes it but I-I did see your pencils when I was cleaning up, and I think I put them. in. your room I think. Just tell your mom that I’m working and she needs to help you and please do not come in here again. Jesuschrist. 

Excessive emesis should be monitored carefully, as it can lead to consequences such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and even malnutrition. 

dad please cmon mom and I looked again and she has no idea where they are and 

F*CKING nonono no please just leave pleaseleave this is getting your dad really... angry and- im not supposed to do that anymore and- please just- go look and leave me in 

no seriously I need them what are you doing, this will only take a minute 

NO PLEASE f*ck- goddamn- stop- don’t say anything I just cannot deal with this deadline and I have things to do and I cannot do anything else when I have things to do and- look, don’t make this harder than it has to be. 

There are two phases to emesis: the prodromal phase involves the relaxation of gastric muscles followed by small intestinal retrograde peristalsis, while the ejection phase involves retching and vomiting, including the expulsion of gastric contents. 


F*CKING- I am so done with this goddamn-colored pencil bullsh*t. For the love of God will you PLEASE help our apparently- our child, our precious child, find his pencils so he can stop f*cking bugging me 

SERIOUSLY HOWARD? Just please come out here and actually POINT OUT where you clearly moved those pencils to. This is absolutely ridiculous and you are making a FOOL out of yourself in front of your son. Your excuses can wait, your work can wait, just help your son find his COLORED PENCILS, it should be SO easy. 

I can’t Iactuallycannot deal with this heh I seriously WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? DO YOU NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF A F*CKING CLOSED DOOR??  WeallknowthatIwould love to help our son find his pencils and that there is nothing I would enjoy more in the world than to get up and just have the time to waltz around and look for the goddamn pencils 

Then GET those pencils, God, you are wasting your time and mine by screaming like a maniac 

NO I CANNOT LEAVE THIS GODDAMN ROOM UNTIL I FINISH MY F*CKING PAPER, and guess what, your f*cking nonstop PESTERING only delays this process and delays me finding your pencils so how about you just SHUT THE F*CK UP AND LEAVE before I lose my goddamn mind. I’m begging you to just offer my work and my time the f*cking SHRED of respect it deserves FOR THE LOVE OF GOD 

Just come get the pencils 



The author's comments:

Evan Carr is a rising high school senior from Seattle, Washington. His work has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and he is is editor-in-chief of his school literary magazine, AQUILA. When he isn't writing, he can be found skiing, biking or playing ultimate frisbee like the basic Washingtonian that he is.

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