The volleyball team | Teen Ink

The volleyball team

September 7, 2023
By kimberlyluviano BRONZE, Houston, Texas
kimberlyluviano BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                 The volleyball team

The volleyball team is going to start to practice, for the first game, but the team enters a new girl.

    The girls are solid we have a new girl on the team they with her to meet each other, and they start to talk with her. After three days the girl joined the practice, and they started to play.

     A few months later, the girl began to be all by herself, she wanted to do everything and did not listen to her classmates, she ignored them because she said that she was the best and for her, no one existed in the games only her.

     The girls were frustrated by the attitude of the girl they trying to talk to her, and they were trying to make her understand what was wrong with the actions she was taking but, she didn’t want to listen to them what she told them is that she is the best of the team.

         The girls said to her that the team had always been in communication You are a great player, but your actions are not suitable for the team if you want to be in the team you need to change that attitude because you want to do everything by yourself, you want to play alone in the games and that is not good for all the team.

     Then the girl said that she was going to try to listen more to the team and to have more communication with the team and that she was to try she best, but that was difficult for her because she had never been on a volleyball team, and it was difficult to communicate with the group because she did like volleyball, but she never been involved in one until now that given the opportunity to join.

      The girls understood perfectly that it was difficult to communicate with the group because it was something new for her a different experience and a new stage in her life.    

       When the girl starts to listen to her team and communicate more they try to we better in the practice for when it is the game they play well and communication with teammates is superior and they can have a great game, so that is why they want to practice a lot to prepare for the game that is coming because they want to win that game they to be surpassing as a team, finally the won the game and celebrate.

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