My Final Meal on Earth | Teen Ink

My Final Meal on Earth

January 16, 2024
By jclark12 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jclark12 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My last meal on earth would be a multiple course meal that would fulfill my taste buds needs. This outstanding meal would start with fried rice from Asiana. This is my favorite type of fried rice because it is well seasoned and cooked perfectly, not over or under cooked. After finishing off my starter, I would have a chicken wing dish that would compliment the fried rice perfectly. I would use a sweet honey barbeque sauce as well as a garlic parmesan sauce. Once just the bones from the wings are left, pizza with sausage, grilled onions, and chicken would be made. It would have the perfect crust size, not too large and fluffy but not like paper that cracks and crumbles easily. The perfect pizza crust is like goldilocks bed, not too soft but not too hard, just right. After my pizza, I would have a rice bowl from Qdoba with chicken–grilled to perfection, queso, lettuce, and guacamole on top. This dish is one of my favorites because the guacamole and queso are seasoned well and they compliment the grilled chicken perfectly. At this point I would be so full that I would want to puke but I would keep it down because it’s my last meal on earth and I want to enjoy it as much as I possibly can. I would finally be done with the entrees and be ready to move on to dessert. For dessert I would have a chocolate chip cookie that was homemade at my grandma's house using her recipe. Eating a chocolate chip cookie thinking, Could there be a better ending to my last meal on earth?

The author's comments:

I liked writing this piece because it got me thinking about my favorite meals that I eat and it even made me a little hungry!

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