Snorkeler fin | Teen Ink

Snorkeler fin

June 2, 2024
By AmicoAnderson BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
AmicoAnderson BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started on a boat off at sea. a scuba diver swimming in the deep blue, exploring the underwater caverns and coral reefs of the Atlantic. He had finished his exploration and had gotten back into his boat taking off his fins and his tank when one of his fins slipped into the water. Not noticing it the man drove off leaving it to drift deep in the water. The fin traveled all over the ocean floor seeing all different kinds of animals, sharks, beautiful blue whales, and amazing dolphins. When eventually. After 10 years of traveling later, it ended up on shore wrapped in seaweed and a bit of fishing net. As a struggling artist visited the beach that day to find her next big inspiration when she stumbled upon the fin curious by its older design to find a baby sea turtle taking shelter from the seagulls nearby. She was inspired and ended up taking it home after helping the sea turtle make it to sea. From then on she would take it back to the beach painting the wonders and beauties of the great blue on the fin so that its journeys would be forever painted onto it. Plus a painting of the baby sea turtle in the ocean painting on the fin in remembrance of the one the artist found in the fin. Until the artist sold it to a teacher from Franklin High School visiting the coast looking for something new and interesting to take back to his class to show to his students.

The author's comments:

one day my teacher brought an object to our creative writing class and said to write a story about it from whenever to this moment, it was old and had a mural of the ocean painted on it and other stuff. and this is the story I wrote for it

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