Alrush and The Beauty of Scars | Teen Ink

Alrush and The Beauty of Scars

July 17, 2024
By andry GOLD, Prague, Other
andry GOLD, Prague, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Loving someone is never a waste

A long time ago, lived a very young and beautiful girl. Her hair was so pretty that bees used to fly around her head, like the planets around the sun, to admire them. She had deep brown eyes like the rivers, and her lips were the color of fresh strawberries. She was an excellent hunter too. Her name was Alrush.  
One day, when she was resting in a meadow near her village, a boy came to her with a smile.  
"Hello, Alrush,” he said, shy at first. Would you like to hunt with me? I think I would be a good partner.” 
Alrush smiled, but something was off about it. She looked at his face. He had small eyes and a weird nose, and his lips were just a straight line. His hair was a mess, and he had many scars on his hands. He is so ugly, she thought. Little did she know that the scars were from his endless training because he wanted to be as good at hunting as her. And behind those small eyes was a sharp mind. His hair was a mess because he was so nervous to talk to her that he messed it up with his fingers when he was coming.  
,,I am sorry, but I do not think I need a partner. I have been good all those years by myself,” she said, not even looking at him.  
,,Oh, you do not know? We are hunting a very big bear this time. We are not allowed to go alone.” 
,,I will be completely honest with you then. I just cannot stand looking at your face. Look at those flowers! They wilted just at the sight of you!” She laughed at him. Her face did not look so stunning anymore. Her red lips were shaped into a weird grin, and in her eyes was nothing but disgust.  
,,Goodbye then,” he said, looking away from her in surprise. He never thought of anything as ugly. There was beauty in everything that the sun touched. Instead of being angry, he felt sorry for her. It is such a waste for someone so gorgeous to have such dark thoughts in their mind.  
The next morning, all the hunters went after the bear. Alrush was the only one without a partner to cover up for her. The head of the village tried to talk her out of it, but then they gave up. Alrush needed to learn her lesson. She lived as the perfect, beautiful rose for too long.  
At first, everything went as planned. They headed the bear to a good place, and now they just had to come closer, each one from one side, and kill him. However, Alrush needed everyone to see that she was the best. She walked in front of the bear alone and tried her usual trick with only her knife, but she failed this time, and the bear left a huge scar on her face.  
Alrush started crying. Her beauty was gone! She failed her village and herself. Is there anyone who could love her as she is now? 
However, the boy from earlier was not mad. He said with a smile: ,,That scar makes you even more beautiful.” 
Alrush was sorry for what she said earlier. She was so cruel! 
,,I am so sorry! Will you please give me one more chance?” 
And that is how their friendship started. And our lesson? People are not just their looks and we should not be ashamed of our scars, they are just lessons carved in our skin. 

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