The boat. | Teen Ink

The boat.

January 3, 2010
By MoreThanYouKnow PLATINUM, Camarillo, California
MoreThanYouKnow PLATINUM, Camarillo, California
20 articles 0 photos 14 comments

I stand at the bow because if I stand at the stern and look back I might miss what was, and not get to experience what is and is to come. I close my eyes for a minute to take in every aspect of my surroundings. The cold consumes every inch of my body that remains uncovered by material things. The smell of salt is in the air, but it smells exciting. My heart is still a tad heavy because I'll miss old times, but it lightens as i'm numbed by a crisp breeze. I try my best to stay open and positive about this change, but I can't promise that I will. I stand up on the bow now, drowning out the captains warnings. 3,2,1, jump.


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