The escaped mind | Teen Ink

The escaped mind

May 4, 2010
By dante dixon BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
dante dixon BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m heavenly breathing hard every movement I make I hope they don’t hear me. I’m a wanted man I can’t go back I won’t go back. “Jerel get in the car now the FEDS right behind us we can’t go back this last strike money we aren’t going back”. Drive!!!!!!!!!!!! Turn left we should be good……….. Thank god we lost up bro we need stay lay for awhile if we get caught we in that b**** for life 3 strikes you out. “Are you Jerel” yea was good “Patna” can you come with me you are under arrest for marijuana distribution and resisting arrest. “Nah money dat aint me I was at my momma house.Jc come on mane just leave me alone I don’t want to be in her as much as you do so we going to chill and take life in her one day at a time, I have to wake up every minute on every hour to make sure I’m still alive. My bunk partner is a life convict with no parole anything he wants to do so he can he lived and is going to live the rest of his life in here. If he wanted to kill me at any time he could. Now I’m on the run went from serving 5 years for marijuana to possibly serving 20 years if I get caught. Fork I hear the dogs please don’t let them trace my scent please I need to get up in this tree get on high grounds till morning then start my journey to freedom. Man what a night I know there not done looking I just got to keep going I’m not going back I wont go back I cant live another day in that rat hole. There’s a road hopefully someone will give me a ride to a bus station or phone. STOP!!!! Thank you were you heading young wiper snapper any were to be honest anywhere but here, well hop right on in come with me for the day I’m empty on food and you look like you can use something to eat how about it I’m fine with that. So tell me were you from and why are you out here in this part town, silence hit the car, I'm from Tallahassee Florida honestly I’m on the run I cant lie to you what get out my car now right now sorry sir I cant do that you you’re going to have to get out pay attention to the road n keep driving I don’t want to have to hurt you look at the road watch out CRASH!!!!!!!!! the life of a human is something to treasure and live life to the fullest but to think it can all end over one silly mistake only if I would have token it little bit serious I wouldn’t be telling you this from my coffin the escaped mind can be a dangerous one.


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