The Road or The Star | Teen Ink

The Road or The Star

October 10, 2012
By TheWarHasBegun. SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
TheWarHasBegun. SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss

Angels and their wings; so soft and pretty. Be good and you'll fly, be bad and you'll die. White fluffy wings turn black, no you shouldn't have done that. You have fallen. Hey the angels are coming to help, but you're wrong again. They're gone and they've taken your wings. You can no longer fly. To let you go be with the devil would be too easy. Instead, they let you walk the earth alone.

You see nothing but the beautiful, sparkling star left in the sky. A reminder for you. You follow the star, but there's no where to go. A voice tells you to stop following the star, it will get you nowhere. There's a dusty dirt road up ahead that could lead to anywhere or anything. It could get you into enormous amounts of trouble or into a life filled with adventure. The voice says start again. You ask how can you and you say you can't. A simple reply of "All you got is all you need and you're not dead yet, so go." is all it gives you. You start walking down that road. Although it frightens you, you know it's your only choice and you may meet more fallen angels just like you. Walking down the long dirt road you hope that your new life will be better than the last.

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