Nightmares | Teen Ink


November 16, 2012
By PancakeBossMan BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
PancakeBossMan BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Chocolate Milk. I like chocolate milk!" -Cheese
"Bazinga!"- Dr. Sheldon Cooper
" Rio Vista!?!"-anonymous

Stumbling down the long dark hallway, I hear the heavy breaths and mumbles of the creatures. “Tommy, Tommy!” Now that I’m aware that they know my name I’m even more worried. Looking back slows me and I trip in a split second; dirt and dust go up in a big cloud covering my body. Slowly as I see the creepy shadows crawl onto the wall, I wake up in a burst. Sitting up I hear my mom yelling my name as I rub the sleep crust out of the corner of my blue green-eyes. I put my feet on the cold floor with a chill running up my back. I comb my medium-length brown hair, put on my graphic Nintendo 64 t-shirt and cargo shorts. I slip on my skater Nike’s and shove my red Yamaha lanyard in my pocket. Within minutes, I’m running out the door, yelling back to my mom as I chomp on my toast.
A short and easy walk leads me to my old; yet, bustling school. When I push open the heavy, old oak doors I see students: talking to their friends, rushing to finish homework, and the basketball team coming from the gym smelling like old pizza wrapped in gym shorts. Being only 5’ 3’ and skinny, I’m pushed around way too easy. As always, I sit down next to my locker by myself; I decide to get my sketch book and colored pencils and draw my dream like I have for the past four days. Day one: A frozen guy, tubes keeping him alive. Day two: A woman dried out with no facial features except for a mouth. Day three: a demented man resembling an evil tooth fairy with necklaces holding the teeth of young children. Day four: an evil doctor with giant razor blades hooked onto his arms, teeth replaced with blades. And now day five: all four of them, me, and fate. As I am coloring the bloody razor blades, the bell rings which means I need to go to first hour: science.
As I walk in the teacher greets me with a scream asking me why I’m late; I was the last person in room. I rush to my seat and get my atomic structure project out. As I’m in the middle of my project I reach down and realize I’m out of foam balls. When I tell the teacher she looks up annoyed and tells me to go the basement and get more. I quickly dart from the room and start looking for stairs. In the far right of the hall I see some, so quickly I rush over to them. I take off bounding down the stairs two or three at a time. When I see the bottom I jump and when I land, dust and dirt goes up everywhere in a big cloud. I realize no one has been down here in a long time.
I look around and realize two things. One: I was never told exactly where the supplies are. Two: this place looks vaguely familiar. Wondering around I keep looking though the windows in the doors I think I see figures, but I guess it’s just my imagination. Yet, it keeps happening for every window I look in and quickly paranoia sets in. I forget about the supplies and get a new objective: get out. I turn around and take off and the farther I run the farther away the staircase looks. When I look back I hear door slams and feet running sounds as though it was a herd of elephants. This seems way too familiar. Then I realize . . . This is my dream.
Running down the long dark hallway, I hear the heavy breaths and mumbles on the creatures. “Tommy, Tommy!” This time I know it’s not my mom. Looking back slows me and I trip in a split second, dirt and dust go up in a big cloud covering my body. Slowly I see the creepy shadows crawl onto the wall and I attempt to get up, but I’m in too big of a rush and I keep falling. Then the creatures are standing over me holding my down. Pain quickly spreads through my body and then . . . the hall goes black.

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