That Time of the Year | Teen Ink

That Time of the Year

December 17, 2012
By deeanna_ancliff BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
deeanna_ancliff BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Finally the time has come. It’s the time I’ve been waiting for all year. It’s my time to shine.

It’s nice to finally be taken out. As they cradle me out of my box and stretch out my arms, I feel a sense of importance. I try to control my laughter, not only from excitement, but from the ticklish tinsel being carefully wrapped around my body. The children are laughing and I feel the warmth of the lights being curled around me.

The cat is cringing with curiosity. We stare at each other, and suddenly she pounces at me. I think these are my final moment as I come tumbling down until I feel big arms around me saving me from my fall. The cat is quickly shooed away. Thank goodness, no cat is going to ruin my special moment.

The family gathers around me and begins to decorate me with their memories. Their First Christmas, the trip to Mexico, the traditional and the homemade, are all hanging from me. Let us not forget about the final and finest touch, the angel. As she is placed on top of me like a hat, it is as if she and I become one. We become the Christmas tree.

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