A family Secret | Teen Ink

A family Secret

January 30, 2013
By HaliBug PLATINUM, Apopka, Florida
HaliBug PLATINUM, Apopka, Florida
31 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything seems impossible until it's done," - Nelson Mandela

Sure, my hair was a reddish color, and Daddy's was raven, though I knew plenty of genetics from biology in school. I knew enough to understand that I could never look exactly like my parents. I had always assumed that my red hair came from some ancestor, maybe late down the family tree, and my emerald eyes, I had inherited them from Mama. My skin was fair, though I had a light bush of freckles that coated the area around my nose, and slightly under my eyes.

The author's comments:
I didn't get inspired by anything while writing this, or anything. I just wrote, and this is what happened. I was quite pleased with this, and it's only a small part of what I have. I'm not too ready to bring out the rest yet, since it's not quite finished. I hoped that people would understand that something wasn't quite write in the character's family by this, but it's not too obvious or anything.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 14 2023 at 2:24 pm
sweetpoetrygirl SILVER, Danville, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I read your piece about not being able to make it in a magazine. Keep it up, I'm sure you will get a real poem/story in the magazine. I like your descriptions!