Y-O-L-O_ | Teen Ink


March 11, 2013
By Anonymous

My prank was worth getting in trouble for. Of course my prank wasn’t so bad, up until I tried to blame an innocent woman, who was the daughter of a police officer, for my prank. I’m going to tell you all how it went down.

It was a beautiful day outside but not for me because I had a bad day at work. So I decided to go to Target with my lucky red shirt, that isn’t my lucky to me anymore, and pull a prank on the workers and shoppers. But once I was in the center of the store and ready to light the stink bomb, then the dumb blond walks up and ask me to help her look for a phone. So I think my plan is that this ruins my chances of pulling a prank. Then I had the idea to use this girl by making it seem like she did it.

The girl pulled me over to the electronics table and asked me a question about a phone. And I thought to myself, if I can get here angry enough and get it on one of the video cameras in Target then it will look like she has a motive to let off the stink bomb. So since I was focused on planning and not listening to her, she asked the same question but mad sure she had my attention. And I told her in an angry firm voice that I don’t know and that I don’t care. So like all girls she gave me a nasty surprise face the one that says “how dare you Say that” or “I can’t believe you just said that to me”. After being rude to her for another six or seven minutes telling her no I can’t help her and that I don’t like the way she looks, act, talks, or anything else about her she really goes off. She started to shout out and I quote “You are the worst kind of person that shouldn’t be alive, who got his manners from satin himself, and you should just do the world a favor and go live in a forest change you name to plays with squirrel and never come back to civilization .

Now on a normal day after getting yelled at by a woman I would’ve said a lot of profanity and negative words toward her some stuff that shouldn’t be said to a woman, but since I’m going to get her in a lot of trouble I let it slide. So I just said “thank you and I hope you burn in hell with your husband Satan and have a nice day” while I was smiling and waving good bye. Then she flipped the script without realizing it by shouting really loud “IM GOING TO CALL YOUR MANAGER!!!” She walk away turned the corner and yelled for the manager to come out. Before I even took one step to the door she girl came back with the manager.

The girl said “This is the man that was being rude to me”. In the back of my mind I heard a voice that told me to run to the nearest exit but on the other hand it could be more fun so I decided to calm down and keep winging it. So I said “Yes, of course I was being rude to you its cause you are the ugliest girl I have ever seen with a bad attitude”. The manager looked shocked at what I said so he grabs my arm and pulls me off to the side and tells me that I should act like this and if I want to keep my job. Deep down I just wanted to laugh in both their faces. Then I told him that I will do better, so I walk up to the girl and told her that I would like to apologies. Then I asked her for her name and she said Ana. “Ana let’s find you a phone” I said. I didn’t know anything about those phones I just acted like I did and once the manager was gone I became rude again and then she though another tantrum dropped her stuff and then I lit the bomb dropped it yell “What are you doing” the bomb went off. The cops came asked questions and I looked over and there is Ana caring saying “he did it daddy check the camera’s”. In the back of my head WTH and when they did they saw me dropped, and here I am behind bars.

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