Jack and the Disastrous Beanstalk | Teen Ink

Jack and the Disastrous Beanstalk

May 9, 2013
By deeanna_ancliff BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
deeanna_ancliff BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I arrive home, I smell an unfamiliar smell. I could feel it. There was a human nearby. Somebody had trespassed in my house, and my wife hadn’t even noticed. I was worried. I am deathly allergic to humans, so suddenly I yelled, “Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!” The human scent was soon gone. Little did I know, this was only the beginning of my misery.
My wife has been acting very suspicious since this day. I’ve noticed that my cupboards have been looking a little emptier, the fridge a little barer, but she seems not to know why.
“My dear, I’m starting to look like a human. Why is all our food disappearing?” I asked.
“I hadn’t noticed. You must be eating it all,” she replied with a shrug.
As the days go by, I began to notice several things are missing around my house. At first it was a bag of gold, then my golden hen, and then later my magic harp. I soon realize that this is the work of a human, but not just any human, the human who had trespassed in my house.
I decided to do a little detective work; I needed to figure out how exactly this beast has been entering my home.
“I’m going out!” I yelled to my wife as I was walking out the door. She didn’t reply.
As I crept around my neighborhood, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned around and saw it. There it was, the human. As I chased it, my eyes were watering and I was sneezing nonstop. Finally, we came to a giant beanstalk and the human slid right down. I followed, but before I reached the bottom, he got an axe and chopped it down, killing me.
Nobody has gotten to hear my side of the story until now. As I am sitting watching from heaven, I see Jack and his mother living in my riches, changing my story. I am not the bad guy, and I no longer want to be viewed as one. I don’t expect you to believe me. After all, I am just a ghost of the giant I once was.

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