The Webcam | Teen Ink

The Webcam

May 22, 2013
By lialexisr BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
lialexisr BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What a day…. I had such a long day at school and work. I just want to go to bed. I glance over at my computer and I notice a webcam attached to it. Weird, my computer doesn’t have a webcam. I walk up to my computer and see a red light is on. It recorded everything. But how long has it been here? Better question. Who put it there? I live with my mom in a suburban community in California but the houses are far apart. How could anyone get it in my room in general? I turn my screen on and try to track where the source of the recording is located. The location that popped on the screen mad all the heat from my body vanishes. 3456 Kingston Road. My house? I started to feel panicky. Who put it there? Surely it wasn’t mom. She and I had a conversation about two weeks ago about webcams. She asked if I wanted one and I said no seeing that I saw no point in it. So it couldn’t have been mom. My mouth goes dry
“Mom…….” I call out. She walks into my room looking as tired as a pair of warn out shoes that you always forget to throw away.

“What Becca?” She says .I slowly raise my hand and point to the webcam attached to the computer. She follows my finger, her gaze falling up onto the camera.
“What am I supposed to be looking at?” She asks.
“The webcam mom!!!!” I screech hoping she sees how serious I am.
She looked at me blankly. As if she had no clue what I was talking about.
“It’s been there for a week, but the light wasn’t on, I thought you bought it!!” She yells back. The queasy unsettling feeling comes back to my stomach.
“Look,” I say and show her the location source of my webcam. Her face goes as pale as winter snow.
“We have to get out” She says. I look at her confused
“Now Rebecca” she says saying my full name letting me know she’s serious. We run downstairs with our cell phones and dog only to be greeted by a sinister figure at the front of the door. We hear the deadbolt on our door lock. I feel a lump in my throat as the figure speaks.
“You’re not going anywhere” it says. The words I feared to hear the most.

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