Spoken | Teen Ink


June 5, 2013
By Desirae1998 BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
Desirae1998 BRONZE, Holgate, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All she heard were voices all around her from her peers if only she could be like them and not have to stray away from everyone thats what Annabeth thought as she sat in the lunch room eating lunch she knew that she wasn't like everybody else and she had anger rising up in her skin but she couldn't take it anymore so she got up and dumped her lunch tray away and while she was walking back to her seat a girl tripped her and said watch where your going deaf girl and at that moment Annabeth thought the same thing because she had a hearing aid and she was also deaf but then Annabeth looked at the girl and singed the word mean then she ran to the school's music room and found a microphone and ran back to the cafeteria and jumped up on a table and her peers looked up at her and Annabeth saw her mother coming at her since she was the english teacher for the high school and she told Annabeth to get down but instead she mouthed the word no to her and then she tapped the microphone and that got everyones attention and she said I know you think i am different from you and i may not look like you guys but i don't care i am proud of myself even if i do have a hearing aid and i am done with every one laughing at me and making fun at me and i want you to know that then she didn't say anything for a minute and her mother said okay Annabeth please get down and without out thinking Annabeth opened her mouth and what she did was amazing she sang Amazing Grace and when she was done her peers clapped for her and she was so proud of herself because she sang powerful and she knew that she touched someones heart because she had spoken

The author's comments:
i have a friend who has a hearing aid and she is also deaf and i wrote this because i know how it must be for her to be around her peers and not feel normal

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