The Fire of 1888 | Teen Ink

The Fire of 1888

September 10, 2013
By Ben Fickes BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Ben Fickes BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lets get this straight. I’m an orphan, always have been, always will be. The year is 1888. I am only 10 years old and I hate life and everything to do with it. I live in the attic and have no friends. My name is Damian. I was told I was born in Denver, I really don’t think I’m being told the truth, I think I was born in hell. My name is the son of the Devil. I even enjoy hurting things once I hurt someone I cared about. I sent my only friend to the shrink. Now I just sit in my room and do nothing, but sometimes I burn ants when I get to go outside. The best part of being me is that everyone is very scared of me. When I try to start a conversation with someone they run away as fast as they can. When someone is mean to me I can break their leg or do anything I want to them. Once I even looked at an old loud clock and broke it without touching it. Sometimes I hear raspy voices that no one else can hear. For example today someone told me
“Something big is happening in three days” and then a giant fire flashes through my eyes.
After that happened I accidentally yelled
“What do you mean”
My worst enemy Jack spoke up and asked me
“God you are so weird Damian”
As soon I heard the word god a voice flashed through my brain it rasped,
“Kill him he mentioned our enemy”
Then I imagined Jack and and hurt him in my head. Ten seconds later Jack was on the floor cringing and flinching like crazy. Just then I was teleported to my room. In my room there was a man. The man whispered,
“Good my son”
“Son what do you mean?”, I said
“I am Lucifer also known as the devil I am am your father”
“Lucifer you are my father I knew it”
“Yes you did son”
“You have no idea how much I have wished for this”
“Actually I knew that you had wished that I was your father”
“One question was I really born in Denver”
“No son you were born in...”
Just then someone walked into my room. It was Ms. Angelica she was the nicest person anyone could ever meet. Unless of course she was talking to me. When she was talking to me she was very mean. Like she knew I was the Devil’s son. She came in and said,
“I know what you just did to Jack, you will burn in Hell for that”
I replied, “Trust me I already am”
“Good, now I think that you should stay in your room for five day’s”
“Whatever, I don’t think we will last that long”
“You should be in the shrink instead of Jeff you demented creep”
She started walking out of the room I demanded,
“Here let me get the door for you”
She answered, “Thank you that was actually nice of you”
I walked over and opened the door, but of course I wasn’t really going to be nice. I stuck my leg out and tripped her. She fell on the floor and I slammed the door on her then tumbled her unconscious body down the stairs.
The next day I came down for breakfast I heard lots whispers about yesterday
“Hey did you hear that Ms.Angelica and Jack both died yesterday”
I walked up to the kid I think her name was Jane and asked,
“Wait what do you mean”
She answered, “ I heard that Jack had a seizure and Ms. Angelica had very severe brain damage”
“How weird”, I said. Even though in my head I knew what had happened. I had killed both of them. I said by to Jane who had always been sort of nice to me. I walked away and sat down at my own table for breakfast. The breakfast was slop once again I ate and went into my room. Not much happened until the voice came back into my head
“Now there is only one person that stand in our way”
“Okay father who is it”
“Her name is Jane you must eliminate her then we can move on”
“But father she is actually nice to me”
“I’m sorry son but it must happen”
“I won’t do it”
“Then I will”
“But can’t we just take her with us”
“She would have to die if she came with us”
“Wait I’m going to die so I can come with you”
“Yes son”
“I won’t do it”
“Then you will burn”
“Get out of here I hate you”
“Good you should hate me”
“No one will die because I will evacuate them all”

He didn’t respond I took it he left. I went downstairs to talk to Jane she had put on a nice white dress. It sort of looked like a wedding dress. I told her to come up to my room. She came into my room I told her,

“We need to get everyone out of the place there is going to be a fire”

“Sorry Damian my friend’s don’t think I should talk to you”
The second she said that we heard screaming. We came downstairs and there was a huge fire so we ran back upstairs and died holding hands.

The author's comments:
i am awesome wooh check me out on facebook

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