Jacob's Back: A sequel to The Suicide Note | Teen Ink

Jacob's Back: A sequel to The Suicide Note

October 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Jacob's Back: A sequel to The Suicide Note
A Short Story

It was January 1st, 2013; a brand new year. Riverdale, New Jersey was a very fun town to live in. There were parties going on all night. Taylor Wig was doing what every sophomore in high school does; she was partying. She was having an amazing time.

Taylor was not the so called, “it girl” at her school, but everyone knew of her. Everyone knew her as a crazy, out going, and hilarious person. She was friends with almost everyone. She had an amazing boyfriend who treated her great. Well, that is what she thought, until they were no longer together.

Taylor was walking along the board walk, then she saw her ex-boyfriend, Zach. This was not a break up that happened months ago. This break up was fresh. They hadn't even been broken up for a full twenty four hours. It was a break up that they each agreed on. Zach was walking down the board walk hold hands with another girl! Taylor was so mad! How could he move on that fast? Taylor began yelling at him. He was getting so mad, but he didn’t want to make a big scene, so he left in anger.

It was now January 3rd. School was starting back up today. Taylor had an amazing Christmas break, but after Christmas it became bad. She lost her boyfriend to another girl, but she wasn’t going to let him stop her from having fun and being happy!

Taylor walked through the halls in school. Everyone was staring at her. She had no clue why! Taylor met up with her friends, who were waiting for her at their normal spot. They said that there were a bunch of rumors going around about her. One of the rumors was that she had cheated on Zach with a bunch of others guys. He was saying many more horrible things about her. He was making everyone hate her.

Days turned into months and months turned into another school year. Taylor was a junior now. Other girls at her school were so mean to her and they didn’t care about her. Taylor hated going to school. No one liked her anymore. Her friends left her and have been ignoring her all summer. They didn't want anything to do with her. Taylor was not happy any more; she was depressed.

Taylor has been going through a rough time. The only people that seemed to be there for her was her internet friends. She had met many people on a social media site called twitter. They were her new best friends and they will always be there for her.

Taylor came home from the first day of school to see something so shocking. Her twitter was blowing up with mentions about her. The bullies had come online. They called her fat, dirty, ugly, and many more names. The cyber bullying kept getting worst through the first weeks of school.

Taylor tweets depressing things for example, “I don’t want to be alive,” or, “I cant wait to sleep forever.” The bullies replied, “we can’t wait for you to die,” and many more nasty and cruel things.

In Trouble Town, New Jersey, right down the road from where Taylor was is Delaney Smith. Delaney hangs out with her angel Jacob. They are best friends and she is thankful for all he has done. Word travels fast through the two towns. Delaney Smith noticed people from her school talking about this Taylor chick. Delaney decided to look her up on twitter. She saw all Taylor’s tweets. They seemed very sad and there were many depressing tweets. Delaney tried tweeting her and messaging her privately, but no one replied.

Delaney waited to see at least a tweet from Taylor since she wouldn't reply. Taylor hadn’t tweeted in a whole week, but finally she tweeted. Taylor tweeted, “Going to football game.” Then tweeted, “First game of the season and last game for me.” Everyone probably thought, "oh she just isn’t going to anymore of the games." But Delaney knows how Taylor actually feels and she has given up. Taylor is really tweeting that she is going to kill herself soon.

Delaney goes to visit the tree that her and Jacob always sit at. She begs him to come with her to the game to help Taylor. Jacob agreed to go. They ran as fast as they could to get there. The game had already started.

They finally arrive at the game. They saw a girl, who Delaney knew instantly that it was Taylor, and she was in a middle of a circle. A bunch of girls were pointing and laughing. Delaney did not know what to do. She realized that Jacob couldn’t help because no one can notice him. So Delaney steps in the circle all by herself and yells at the girls. The girls all leave. It is just Delaney and Taylor now. Taylor is so thankful for Delaney. Taylor is also smiling for the first time in a long time. Taylor looks over and sees a boy staring at her. Delaney knows Taylor is confused because on one else is bothered by him and is is glowing. Delaney explains to Taylor that he saved her and inspired Delaney to save Taylor. And that he is a angel. Taylor cries tears of joy, she is finally back to normal because of these two amazing people.

The author's comments:
Very touching piece

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