This is a story | Teen Ink

This is a story

November 13, 2013
By Lauren Moldver BRONZE, Bellinham, Washington
Lauren Moldver BRONZE, Bellinham, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the finder of imaginary life. All the things you think are fake aren’t! They are real they live far away, but they are still. I am going to travel to them find out there ways of life. What really happened in all those stories we were told as a child. Find how horses became flying creatures. I will change life has we know it. The children after us will be told stories of truth not fiction. Actually fiction wont exist after imp done here. I want you kids to know your role models that you were told were fake! I want to find my role model. I will take away fiction forever.
The world. It has told me where it is. Its voices are calling out for it to be found. This world wants us to know about it. They want us to believe in unicorns or the Easter bunny. Not just kids, they need everyone to believe in them or they will be gone. They chose the most likely subject to Carrie this plan out! Every child over the whole entire planet was told of this place! They were told to tell anyone and everyone about it. If your child has not told you yet ask them about. They will know everything about it. Then they told one adult, an adult who would believe, who could make any one believe. They told me. Why me I don’t know is it because I believed in Santa till the eighth grade. I don’t know but I’m going to make you listen.
Insane! That’s what they called me! Completely idiotic. Now here i am inside this padded room. Instead of building the fastest space ship this world has ever seen. Instead of fulfilling my destiny, there keeping me here until there ready to test me for a mental illness. But my voices said they will speak for my brain. They said they will help me make the world believe. I listened to them calm me help me get my mind in the right place. I’ve actually never felt better. They must be using their magic on me. The children believe they told me, all of them. Now we just needed the adults. Cause there planet to survive needed everyone to believe.
Wishing adults had the imagination they use to have, I sat and waited. I started to brainstorm ideas to make them believe. A few of my ideas are bringing up memories from when they were a child. To show them the imagination they use to have. My other one was using the children. Having them start to protest, beg, insisting that there right not them. The world said they would perform a few small miracles to show them that there real. Do something that human minds aren’t cable of making or curing, somethi8ng that will change their minds.
I am not giving up. I will not let the adults destroy this magical world. I will do whatever it takes. I will use anything and everything against them. I will make their own children go with me and turn against them! I don’t care how long it takes but I will never give up. For I know the truth. I know what’s been hiding from us for all these years. And would still be hidden if it was for me I brought them out of the dark. I showed them that we would help. No, I promised them that I would. Help I gave them faith that there race would live on for many for years to come and that if they ever needed anything humans would always be on their side. We will never turn against you.

The author's comments:
Imaginary stuff

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