Evolution: The Key to Survival | Teen Ink

Evolution: The Key to Survival

November 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Evolution; this fascinating yet perplexing concept has been studied for many years. Evolution is how we came to be on this wild planet. There is a finch that has developed a form of beak that allows it to eat the things that it needs to survive. Then there is bacteria one of the oldest and most eyebrow raising subjects in the world of clean.
The Floor

The Intensive Care Unit is intense. Not many see what goes on behind the scenes. They only understand what happens in front of their noses. The Intensive Care Unit seems all nice and happy on the outside but on the inside there is many terrifying things evolving. The Intensive Care Unit is the place of healing as thought by many people. Others think that it is a place of despair. Either way the Intensive Care Unit has some hidden aspects, "in a perfect world, hospitals would strictly be places where the sick go to get well. Unfortunately, the hothouse environment of the hospital provides a window into an insidious side of evolution," hospitals are the feeding grounds for the evolution of bacteria.
The Island

The Galápagos Islands have been a land of evolution since Charles Darwin set foot on them in 1835. Darwin discovered many new creatures on the islands that gloved to overcome many frustrating obstacles. Finches are just one of these many creatures where evolution saved their lives in this very rapidly changing ecosystem.
The Floor

There are many different kinds of bacteria from bacteria that breaks down food in your stomach to bacteria that can make you sick and maybe even kill you. All of these bacteria have one thing in common; they all evolved to survive in their changing environments. Hospitals are one of the cleanest places on earth (as they should be). However, bacteria has developed a way to overcome the sterilization and vaccinations.
The Island

Galápagos finches are some of the most dynamic creatures in the world. These birds may look very similar but they have some distinct differences: their beaks. These differences in beaks have forced "each species [to develope] a bill specially designed for its particular diet and feeding habits." These variances in their beaks allow them to live different lifestyles from one another.
The Floor

There is a story of a woman in which bacteria did undergo many changes in order to overcome a vaccine. This woman went into basic surgery and came out in wonderful condition. Her family thought that everything would return to normal. However, they unaware of the things that were happening on a molecular level. This woman was given medication after medication in hopes of driving the bacteria out of her body. However the bacteria kept evolving to withstand the medications. We "keep inventing new antibiotics, but bacteria evolve resistance almost immediately, so we're constantly playing catch-up" it would have been an amazing feat to save this woman from the things that were happening to her. Evolution is the cause of this woman's death. It is also how the bacteria survived.
The Island

As I walk through the drier habits near the coast I see the ground finches, feeding on wild seeds and leaves that form layers on the ground like lasagna. Their short, thick beaks form the most perfect utensil. As I venture up into the heights of the volcanoe I notice the tree finches up in the trees like their hiding under an umbrella to avoid the rain. I notice, through the rain, the sound of a small bird pecking at the trunk of a skyscraper of a tree. What could he be doing? The small bird pulls from the tree an insect. What a wonderful sight. The bird utilizes his sword of a beak to gulp it down whole.
The Classroom

In 2011 when I was in seventh grade biology I was studying different organisms under a microscope. I took a glance at the organism under the microscope, filled out the worksheet and moved on to the next slide. I noticed something, something that made me understand evolution. The next slide was of the same type of organism, but it looked different. Why were these same organisms different? Was it because they came from different environments? Was one older than the other? I may never find out.
The Floor

Evolution of bacteria happens very rapidly. A person can be given a vaccine and the bacteria is already evolving. Bacteria is that annoying sibling that will not vanish. This rapid change in the make-up of the bacteria is the leading reason why the doctors had a difficult time expelling the bacteria out of the woman's system.
The Island

Thousands of years ago the Galápagos Island were a barren lily pad in a huge lake. Now these wonderful islands house some of the most fascinating wild life stories. Galápagos finches were nothing before they evolved. Now they have graduated into some of the most diverse birds in the world. Their diversity has allowed them to grow and change as needed.
The Floor

Bacteria, what perplexing organisms. They have been around since day one, yet still to this day their evolution goes unnoticed. Before the development of vaccines they didn't have to evolve. Following the advancement in medications bacteria's structure has transformed. Nurses and doctors have been admonished time and time again of the evolution of bacteria, they just simply can keep up.
The Relationship

Galápagos finches have become one of the most well known stories of evolution. In the medical world the evolution of bacteria has become the number one best seller.

I take one last walk through the island. I see finches eating their food again. But there is something unusual, I see the ground finches in the trees like the kings of the island. Then I turn and see tree finches running around on the ground like Usain Bolt running the 100 meter dash. What are these creatures doing on the ground?

I return to the camp to find this woman laying on the bed like a hibernating bear. I shake her a few times, but she refuses to wake from her slumber. She looked awfully pale. She had a fever. The bacteria in her body must have figured out a way to overcome the vaccine we were given before setting foot on the island. Why didn't the vaccine work? Why were the finches in different habitats? I realized something, the finches are the bacteria and the bacteria are the finches. The trees become humans. They start to walk around the island like frantic chickens. The finches start to overtake the humans like swarming bees. Both these creatures have an uncanny ability to overcome their impediments to survive in their diverse worlds.

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