Daddy Wants Me to Die | Teen Ink

Daddy Wants Me to Die

January 2, 2014
By rachelblinn BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
rachelblinn BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am."

Daddy told me he wanted everyone dead.

Daddy paced around the room with tears rolling down his grimy face. Daddy scared me when he held the knife up to my face like that and then took it away.

He told me mommy had been very naughty. He told me mommy didn’t want to be my mommy anymore. I didn’t believe him but I started crying anyway. I always cried around daddy because daddy could be very mean to me.

My sister hasn’t moved in a very long time. When I got to the room I think my sister wasn’t breathing. I tried talking to her but my sister might not love me anymore. Daddy says no one really loves me because love is a lie.

Mommy always told me that everyone deserves to give and receive love. I think mommy tells the truth because she was always so nice to me. I don’t know where mommy is right now but I wish she was still here to hold my hand.

Daddy told me I am alone. He said that everyone is alone in the world and that everyone is going to go to Hell. I am scared to go to Hell. Mommy always said that there is much more good in the world than evil and I told that to Daddy but he said that was a lie and he could never possibly love a liar.

Daddy used to be so happy. He used to smile at me and everyone all of the time. Daddy never frowned. Daddy used to go to church with us every Sunday and take us to a different restaurant afterwards each time. Daddy used to love. But now he only hates.

I am afraid that I will be like daddy when I’m older if I don’t die tonight. Daddy told me I’m just like him. He said that my heart will turn black just like his. He said I didn’t stand a chance in this world and I think Daddy might be right.

Daddy is crying in the living room but he says he is not sad daddy says he is angry. He says he is angry that he ever let himself love another human being. Daddy told me he does not love me but that if I do what he says he will try. Daddy used to love me but I guess he doesn’t anymore.

I am scared of daddy. I am scared of what he is doing with the knife. He is coming close to me with a very horrible look in his shiny eyes. He does not look like daddy. He looks like the Devil.

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You're Scaring Me.

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