The Stench of Discovery | Teen Ink

The Stench of Discovery

March 16, 2014
By saradionne SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
saradionne SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Is mayonnaise an instrument?" -patrick star

I am worried nobody will hear the stories they have to tell. Dust covered and abandoned in this orphanage. They create a maze of wonder, excitement, and mystery through the store. I wish I could to meet every one of them, but I know I can't.
My heels click against the tile floor. The aroma of untold stories is overwhelming. It is a stench of discovery. Which one will I choose? My eyes feel dry from not blinking. I don't want to miss anything. I walk like an old tortoise as I begin to explore the store.
My mind is running through this maze of paperbacks and hardcovers. All these books are just strangers with a different story. They want you to understand. They want you to relate. A bright green spine sticks out from its group and catches my wandering eyes. I reach down and pick up the book and blow off a thick layer of ash-colored dust.
The book feels right in my palms. I open the book. The spine creaks and groans in my warm hands. The familiar musty scent of old paper fills my nose. I feel the smile coming over my face. I have found another person to meet, another life to live, another place to explore, and a new escape from reality.

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