The Amazing Catch | Teen Ink

The Amazing Catch

June 4, 2014
By Pizza_Lover BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Pizza_Lover BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have to rise to our level, we're not gonna lower down to yours
~Michael Jordan

The Amazing Catch

The Park
It was a hot and gloomy day in the city of Jacksonville, Florida for a Thursday, when a little boy, only 13 years old, wanted to played football with the older teenagers. Randy wanted to play football with his 17 year old brother Andre, but Andre kept telling Randy he was a little too young to play with the big boys. So Randy got really angry and said to his brother, “One day I’ll be better then you”, and his brother got really cocky and said, “You’ll never be as great as I am!”then walked off to go play with his friends. When Randy heard Andre say that, he was so mad that he yelled to his brother to get his best players and Randy would get his best players and they’ll throw down this Saturday.

Randy’s School
When Randy got to school the next day he found the greatest football player he knows in his school, his best friend Russell. He told Russell that his brother and him were gonna play a big football game at the Field on 8th street and asked Russell if he wanted to join them. Russell said yeah right away and then Randy told him to get the greatest of the greatest football players he knows. Russell and Randy were so excited that when they were talking about it, they were late to class.
After class was over and it was time for lunch, Randy and Russell went around talking to every great player they knew and asked them to play with Randy and Russell, everybody but one person said yes. Randy was so nervous about his brother Andre beating him that he wanted to practice plays during recess and after school.

The Park
The park didn’t really have a big field, but it was big enough to run two little football games. Randy and his team were practicing at the park on some good plays Russell saw on Madden 25 and they wanted to try them for when they played to see if they worked.

The Field
when everybody got to the field Randy asked Andre if he was ready to lose to us and he said, “The only person that is gonna lose is gonna be you!”. The game was gonna be a game up to 35 by sevens the usual. We had ball first and my friend got the best pass ever and sprinted into the touchdown. Eventually they scored and so did we again. The game was tied 28 to 28 and they had the ball. andre was their quarterback and threw a beautiful pass to his friend and Randy came out of no where and picked it off. He ran so fast he didn’t even get touched and they won the game. Randy was so happy, but he was a good sport and told his brother good game and his brother said, “Yeah

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