A Tale of Two Birds | Teen Ink

A Tale of Two Birds

June 5, 2014
By arieker20 SILVER, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
arieker20 SILVER, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A robin with voluptuous brown feathers was sailing the currents in the bright, spring sky. Cruising over the green park, it saw another bird below and spiraled downward to greet it.
“Hello!” The Robin eagerly fluttered up and down, keeping in flight with the other bird.
The strange bird flapped its shiny wings and fluttered in the wind.
“Hi,” it answered shyly.
The little Robin cocked his head to the side, examining the strange bird.
“You look funny,” he said innocently.
The colorful bird with its bones exposed grimaced at the Robin and said, “That’s because I’m not a real bird. I’m a kite.”
“What’s got you so down?” The Robin observed him curiously, flying in circles around him.
“I can’t do what I want,” the kite regretfully answered. “I am under the control of something else.”
“What’s that?”
“This string.” The kite motioned towards the white string tied to its wings. “I just want to be able to fly and stay up here, I don’t want to go back down. But I can’t fly well. My wings aren’t strong enough.” The kite looked remorseful.
“Why do you say that? Sure they are! You can’t let that keep you down!” the robin fluttered encouragingly.
“You know what, you’re right.” Suddenly the wind picked up and the kite broke free from the string. The bird and the kite flew off towards the sunny sky.

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