The Girl that Cried Help, And the Animal that Responded | Teen Ink

The Girl that Cried Help, And the Animal that Responded

October 9, 2014
By Brittanyhuffaker BRONZE, Brogue, Pennsylvania
Brittanyhuffaker BRONZE, Brogue, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll still land among the stars!"

She lies in her bed every night thinking why, with a sharp knife beside her side. It calls her name with a spooky voice; she begs and pleads no leave my mind. Every night just before bed she jots down her feelings and pain, sometimes in ink others in blood. She asks why does this stuff happen to her, why did it have to eff up her life?
She wears the same stuff every day to school, a pair of long black jeans, a long sleeved shirt usually black as well her nails, heavy dark make up around her eyes. Kids laugh and snicker as she creeps by, wishing she would just die, nobody knows the pain she’s been going through. That girl sits in the back of the room with a big spot of opened space, people are afraid she would hurt them. When gym would come around she was prepared she’d sit in the bathroom feet up off the ground her arms bare with cut marks and scars. She would take whatever she had sharp in her bag and slice her wrists over and over again, watching the blood trickle down her fingers, feeling the pain inside start to fade away. The girls come back in from gym she looks through cracks thinking why can’t I look like that? Those girls they get the guys, with that perfect body and hair, look at me I’m just a thing, everybody notices but they don’t speak. I’m the outcast. She puts down her sleeve and waits till everyone leaves. She heads down the street to the building on the corner, asks her boss what time she works. She heads to the back of the building, takes off her clothes and finds the cutest bikini, puts on high heels, gloves to cover her markings and fish nets. Heads out to the crowd whistling at her sight. The men stare and women watch; she heads to the floor and says kill the lights. Bright colors start flashing on the stage and a pole emerges from the stand, she takes a hold of that pole and does her thing until its time to leave. The men stare and throw money at her, they place it in her top and bottom, they grab her in places she thinks is fine. After she’s done she heads back home with a wave of cash she hides in her bag. Her mother is screaming at her and demanding orders, she runs up to her room slams the door sits on her bed and thinks what have I just done? She goes back down stairs, slowly regretting that she had ignored her mother, she knew what she was getting before she saw it in her mothers hand. A whip in her hand and a look on her face, that girl knew what she had to do, she stripped into her bare skin. That girl knew turned around as her mother placed a belt in her mouth and tied it around her head, the tears fell down her face, she wished she was dead. “And this is for being alive,” as she slashed the girls back. “And this is for being worthless” another slash across her back, more hurtful things came, and so did the tears of pain. She wanted to scream and wanted to cry out but she couldn’t she knew if she did, she’d get locked in the basement living in a cage with not a damn thing to eat. The next morning her mother came in, unlocked the cage and said “You better listen to me.” Then looked at her and said yes ma’ma, my apologize. She hurried to her room grabbed her clothes and went to shower, scurried down the stairs and grabbed a bite to eat. In town where she lives theres a short cut to get to the school, but the short cut is through alleyways that is marked with bad news. She asked herself should I or shouldn't I, is it worth the risk of getting hurt or killed? She decided she'd cut through the alleyways and keep her eyes wide open watch around her with close precaution. That girl survived the walk and made it on time until a cheerleader she knew came up to her and pushed her around punched her to the ground and kicked her around the ground. She knew she was weak and didn't even bother to scream for help she just laid there and was taking the beat a group of kids were gathered around, and thats when her life story had gotten switched around.
He was a total hottie, her kinda style in a way, the cheerleader stopped and stared as he came to the girls rescue. “What’s your name the boy asked?” She froze up  inside and looked around, there was a crowd of clowns that surrounded her, the boy asked again, she got up and ran. The boy looked around at the crowd standing around and said “All of you are idiots, just standing around and watching like its a movie, edging it on with the more people that come.” “And you, you are the most cowardly of them all, that girl has done no harm to you, what is your problem?” The cheerleader looked and smirked, then walked away with her cocky attitude, the crowd of onlookers looked at the boy, then followed her like a little lost puppy. Only one person had stayed behind, the boy asked what the girls name was. “Her name is Elizabeth, she prefers Lizzy but other kids call her freak, why do you ask”? “She reminds of someone that I use to know, we were very close, she is just like him, and what is your name miss?” “Maddy” she replied. The boy looked at her and smiled grabbed his bag, and was headed to class, but he heard a whimper and then a sigh of relief, he turned around the corner and saw a little shelter. “Lizzy is that you?” She froze, she was busted she knew what was going to happen, she snuck a peek around the opening and he was right there. “Crap” she thought, she looked down at her arm and wrist, took a napkin and removed the blood that she could, then placed her sleeve over her arm, and said “Yeah, hang on I’m coming.” By the time she finished saying that he was already knelt down and looking at her, he saw something shiny and saw the blood. He let out a sigh and gave her his hand, “come with me, we have work to be done.” She took his hand and walked to a place, it was nice and fancy, nothing like she had ever seen.  He held the door open for her and she walked in he came in behind her and closed the door. "My name is Alexander but I prefer Alex." He said to her in a mellow and calm voice. "Hi I'm Lizzy." With a shy tone of voice. Alex just stared at her waiting for her to look up, she got the hint and looked up at his eyes. They were both thinking inside wow the sparkle in your eyes is like a diamond in the sunlight, they just stayed like that for five minutes. "So why did you bring me here? Why did you come for me?" She had questioned him. "Well for one when I see half the dang school surrounding someone I'm going to go and see what's going on, and then I see a girl laying on the ground while some chick is just there beating the hell outta that girl I'm gonna do something." "And I brought you here because we need to talk about things." He responded with her questions. She looked at him with a puzzled look on her face and asked "What things do we need to talk about, I don't even know you?" She proclaimed with a cocky but yet shy quiet voice. The look upon his face was amused but yet in the sparkle of his eyes was a hint of worry. Lizzy stood up grabbed her bag and was heading for the door, she placed her hand on the cool metal handle then she felt an arm wrapped around her waist. Warmness enlightened her body and love filled her heart, her mind went blank as she removed her hand from the handle, she asked herself why. "Because you deserve this, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be the girl that everyone hates but in a fantastic way because you'll have me." She turned around and he was still looking. "I don't deserve any of this, I've been miserable for the past 3 years, I deserve the hate that I get everyday from school, I deserve the abuse from home and school, I don't deserve you, and I never will." His hands were gentle that sent a jolt of warmth through her body and mind as he cradled her face in his hands. He whispered something to her she has never heard before "Lizzy you are beautiful, even through the mask you wear everyday, you deserve the world, you do not deserve all the tears and blood you shed every night, you don't deserve the abuse, you don't deserve the job that you have, you deserve life, love, happiness, and I can show you." Her heart was now a orchestra of drums beating so hard and fast she thought she was gonna die, she inhaled and exhaled as a stream of tears were falling from her eyes. "That's the most beautiful and extraordinary thing anyone has ever said to. Thank you for that, but I need to ask you some questions now." She managed to get through saying that without more tears falling. Alex wiped away her tears and said of course as he took her hand and lead her to the couch. "How did you know those things about me? I don't speak to anyone, I wouldn't have told a teacher, I don't have a therapist, I don't have anything or anyone, nobody that knows of me sure as heck don't know about my blood and tears. But you I just met you and you know everything about me pretty much, how? Who are you? What are you?" She glanced at him and noticed the look on his face, he looked concerned, and couldn’t even look her in the eyes. “Sometimes the unknown may be alarming, terrifying and left being unknown. When the times come if it is meant to be shared it will appear. It may be the most charming and angelic thing to appear in anyone life, until that time comes my secrets will be kept as the unknown.” She glanced at him and met his eyes, the color of his eyes was admirable she didn’t want to break the connection. “Alex look, I have no idea who you are, and why you came into my life, I have no idea where you came from, I’ve never seen you before, you are the most supporting person I have in my life and i just met you, can you atleast tell me something about you?” He left out a sigh, grabbed her hand and went into a room, it was spectacular the color was astonishing, she never would have suspected it being so dark. The rest of the house was a glowing shade of white almost metallic. “Sit down, you want to know more but I don’t want to frighten you, I find you attractive even with the marks on your arms even through the hellish life you have. You Lizzy are the one I’ve been waiting for.” She stood and slowly walked to the door and went outside, took a seat on the swings and let the information this strange boy spoken to her sink into her mind. The cool breeze tip toed her way and whispered in her ear, go inside the one you seek is there inside beware the beast may seem scary but deep inside he’s a prince. She crept inside and glanced around, she looked at the spot where Alex was sitting, he was gone. It smelled as if a wet dog were in the house, she knew he did not have a dog, she nosed around and heard a thud above her head. Lizzy was scared, she didn’t want to do what she was about to do, tip toe tip toe she crept up the enchanting stairs. The wet dog smell grew stronger and stronger until at the top she turned her head and there was this  enormous dog. This dog was unique it had dark blue eyes his fur was b**** black with a dash of chestnut brown, its paws were larger than her hands, its ears were longer than a normal dogs. “Do not be afraid my love, I will not hurt you, in fact I will  protect you.” his voice was inside her head and the dog like creature was looking at her like he knew  like he was telling her something, like he knew everything about her. She was thinking in her head very strongly, wondering what this dog is and where Alex went and why  and or how the wind told her to come inside. That was when she realized one thing that she has been misunderstanding this whole situation, and how she was misunderstanding Alex.    
The creature moved forward  towards Lizzy she didn’t move a muscle nor blink it moved gradually and very precautious than stopped right in front of her . She didn’t know what to do, she was terrified but did not try to show it, she cautiously raised her hand as the creature lowered its head. It’s fur was as soft as the snow on the ground on a bitter winter day. She stepped closer to the animal, and ran her fingers through its fur down its back and repeated it over and over again. “Alex is this you?” she proclaimed, the animal licked her cheek and looked in her beautiful eyes as it began nodding its head in a yes motion. The next thing she knew Alex was laying on the floor where the animal just was her hand was in his shiny perfect hair, she quickly removed it once she realized it was in there. She just didn’t understand how any of this was actually possible, it’s all made up stuff, it’s not real, she’s just dreaming that a handsome young man with the most spectacular house, and down right fan-freaking-tastic! He looked at her, like he was upset and concerned about something, she could sense that something was eating him up inside. “Alex what’s wrong?, she asked in a concerned voice. He took her by the hands and held them in his warm hands and looked down and kissed her forward and said, “come with me.” They both went into a dark room he turned on a light but it was daul and dimm she looked around and saw interesting things, pictures of wolves and hanging was from the wall was a blanket, she was memorized by its beauty it was a picture of a half woman half wolf. “That’s my mother, her name was Natalia she was the leader of the pack once my father passed away. I was to young to become the leader and I had no older brothers, so the rest of the pack decided it would be good for my mother to become the leader.” he explained. “She is beautiful, where is she now, and how come she became leader in stories about wolves its always the males being the leaders of packs? she had questioned. “It’s a complicated story, my mother is dead, she had been killed by my uncle, he had found a way to become human again and he tried to convince the rest of the pack to follow him. Nobody did so he decided he would go around and kill all of them. Natalia, my mother had been the last one killed, she put up a fight. She had begged till her last breath for me to be able to live. Right before she had gotten killed she had told me she loved, and she wishes things wouldn’t have gone this way, she told me she would always be by my side whether she was alive or gone. My uncle had heard what Natalia told me and looked at me with tears filling his eyes, you could have tell what he was thinking about, my father. He told my mother and me both he will come back for me on my twenty first birthday but find out where I am staying on my eighteenth birthday. After that he had killed my mother and left me there all by myself, my mother laying on the ground with blood seeping from her.

The author's comments:

This is actually a piece of work I did for school. It is my Descriptive piece! Hope you all enjoy! :)

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