7 and I I Die | Teen Ink

7 and I I Die

October 15, 2014
By PrinceSloth BRONZE, South Hill, Virginia
PrinceSloth BRONZE, South Hill, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Danger is real. Fear is a choice.

So once upon a time there was a magical horse and his power was that he could grant seven wishes. However, when the seven wishes were all granted, he would die. This horse was a huge deal to everyone who knew about it, but the thing was that this horse was nearly impossible to find. The horses power was so great that only one true of heart and valor could ever even have a chance of finding it.
One day a little village girl by the name of Holly was walking to school with her pet giraffe. On the way to school she was going to stop by the market to sell her beloved giraffe so her family could eat because they had no money. Along came a guy by the name of Ryan. They both recognized each other from school, but they had never really talked until this moment.
"Hey I'm sorry that I bumped into you," said Ryan.
"That's okay, I should have been paying more attention," said Holly.
"No it's my fault. Let me make it up to you by walking you to school."
"I'm actually on my way to the market to sell my giraffe."
"But why?"
"My family really needs the money."
"Let's not do that."
"Why wouldn't I? My family really needs it."
"Because there is rumor of a magical horse that grants wishes. We could find it together Holly."
"And skip school!?"
"This is a lot more important than school, I'll help you out"
So, Holly, reluctant but loving of her family and giraffe, agreed to set out on this journey with Ryan. And on they went, Holly, Ryan, and the giraffe. They went on a long and dangerous journey through the Valley of Twists, which a valley full of giant Twizzlers. It proved to be a nearly fatalchallenge for Holly, but Ryan could handle it with ease. The next obstacle was the Chicken River, which had the reverse effect on the duo. It stopped Ryan dead in his tracks, but Holly was heroic.
With the combination of their skill and will-power and determination, they finally arrived at Soda Falls. But there was one problem. Half of it was Pepsi, the other half was Coke, and right down the very center was a little sliver of water, hardly big enough for the both of them. Holly, being Holly, decided that the Pepsi half was the way to go, while Ryan decided the Coke path was the way to go  They argued and argued and argued until they both noticed Giraffe swimming down the water in the middle. The two arguing shared a glance and nodded. It was decided that the water path was the way to go.
Holly and Ryan walked up to the edge, and Holly jumped in. She looked back and saw that Ryan had not.
Holly says, "What's wrong?"
Ryan says, "I can't swim, I kind of planned on drinking through the Coke." "Get on my back," says Holly.
"Can you swim with me on you?"
"Trust me."
"Okay, I trust you."
Ryan got on Holly's back, and she swam down the water and met giraffe who was already on the other side. But it was not over, there was now a cliff to climb.
"I can't climb that," says Holly.
"Now it is your turn to trust me," says Ryan.
"Okay. I trust you."
Holly climbed onto Ryan's back and held on for her life. Ryan started to scale the cliff one foot at a time, being careful not to slip. Holly wrapped herself tight around Ryan's body, leaned closer and started to whisper to him.
"Ryan, I always found you very attractive at school."
"Holly, in all honesty, I have to say that I've had a crush on you for the longest time and I have always found you extremely beautiful."
As Ryan finally surmounted the cliff, the two shared a glance and hugged each other as tight as they possibly could. The longer and tighter they hugged, the more their emotions started to run deeper and deeper and a light started to appear. The magical horse was right before their eyes.
"You two are pure of heart. You have put aside your differences and acted as one to find me. I will now grant your wishes." says the horse.
Ryan says, "I only have one request. That is for Holly and her family to have everything they will ever need so they will no longer struggle. That was the whole reason for us taking this journey."
"Your wish has been granted," says the horse.
Holly says, "I have but one request. That is for me and Ryan to spend the rest of our lives together happy.
The horse says, "You ask and you shall receive. Your wish has been granted. Are you sure you do not want to use the five remaining wishes?"
"I actually will use one more," says Ryan.
"Ryan don't! The more wishes you use, the closer it will bring him to death!"
"I wish that your last wish will never be used so that you will never perish." "Your wish has been granted. Thank you Ryan and Holly, I will always remember you both."
As the horse started to vanish, Ryan grabbed Holly's hand and walked her and giraffe back home to their bright and long future together.



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