My Teacher | Teen Ink

My Teacher

January 5, 2015
By Samantha_Love SILVER, Oak Harbor, Washington
Samantha_Love SILVER, Oak Harbor, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is what you make of it."

“Teach me then!”
“Teach you what? I can teach you nothing.”
“I just need to be taught. I need you to teach me something, anything. Please?”
“I have nothing left to teach you.”
Tears came to his eyes and he fights them from spilling.
“Nothing left? That’s not true you will always have something to teach me!”
She starts to fade.
“Goodbye my darling. Life is your teacher now.”
“Stay! Teach me please? Don’t leave me again. I can’t lose you again.”
He clutches the flowers he holds.
“Don’t worry. You’re in safe hands now.” She starts to fade faster. Then she was gone. A single voice carried with the wind “I love you my darling.”
“You can’t leave! Not again!” He sat there and the tears fell fast. He laid the flowers on the ground in front of a grave that stated;
Maggie Elizabeth
Wife and wonderful teacher to her son

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