The Sun Will Still Shine | Teen Ink

The Sun Will Still Shine

February 2, 2015
By Avita-Wilder BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
Avita-Wilder BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The day I stop dreaming is the day I stop living"

Ever glowing, the smoke and the mire try to snuff out the light but the ever powerful bulb pushed his way through the thinckness to shine on the waiting people below. Their hope is renewed as the light peirces through the darkness emitting beauty through the deprived land. How long they waited for soft light to grace their skin and soak their dying fields. They hoplessly glance at the sky expecting the same drab grey clouds hovering close to the ground covering the tops of the trees. Stunned by the change their hearts skip a beat, afraid to think that the misery will come to an end. For so long the veil of gloom lingered above their heads they wondered if their warm loving friend had disapeared. Now after all of the dreariness their friend had returned. The heat shoved the cold farther and farther away and it shivered with fear from the flaming being. The frozen ground held it's ground un-afraid of the light. Staying it waited for it's own destruction. Children ran through puddles of a long forgotten enemy. Now un-afraid of falling they ran through the now hard, non-slippery streets. Joy had come once again and they knew even when the darkness might fall agian, the sun will still shine.

The author's comments:

Sometimes when we think something that we love has gone away indefinidently it can come back to surprise us.

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