What you Really Want | Teen Ink

What you Really Want

April 13, 2015
By adrijg3 GOLD, Franklin, Ohio
adrijg3 GOLD, Franklin, Ohio
16 articles 1 photo 2 comments

     I woke up from my dreams of my name in lights, and automatically feel out of place.  I don't remember my room looking like this...  I hop out of bed and walk across my furry pink carper, to my bathroom on the far side of the room.  This room is gigantic!  And very pink!  It's a far cry from my chic, rustic toom that I'm used to.  This one lacks my horse posters, and has gained framed back and white prints.  When did this happen?  With one glance in the mirror, it all makes sense.  Well, some of it at least.  I stare at me new, platnium blonde stick, straight hair, pimple-free skin, and long eye lashes.  This isn't me!  Before I know it, I'm screaming.  What happened? Where is my nappy, dishwater hair? My pimples, my bush eyebrows?!  Why have I turned perfect?!

     "Are you okay?  I heard you scream!  Did the paparazzi get in again?," a woman in a lavender track suit asks, looking arounf crazily.  I've never seen her before, and paparazzi?

     "Umm, who are you?" I questioningly ask, backing away and stuttering through my words.

     "Who am I?  Are you serious?"

     "Yes, very serious.  Gravely, actually.  Who are you  Where am I?"

I'm frantic again.  Freaking out to be exact.  How did this happen?  People don't just wake up a different person!

     "I don't know what game you're playing, but I think that you should stop.  Why don't you lay back down and I'll wake you up in an hour or so, so you can do your vocal check."

     "My vocal check?"

     "Yes, your vocal check."

The unknown woman ushers me to my bed, and tucks me in before calling a fluff ball of a Pomeranian named Snuggles onto my bed.

     "There, now go back to sleep.  I'll be back soon."

     Before I know it, I drift back to sleep, eventually waking up to the sound of an alarm clock.  But not the ones of the electronic kind.

     "Wake up, sweetie, it's time for school!  Happy Friday!  Big Test!  Did you study hard?"

The voice is oh so familiar, and oh so inviting.  I wrap my arms around my mom, never wanting to let her go.

     "Honey, what's wrong?  Bad dream?"

That's an understatment...

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