The Untangling Of the Yarn | Teen Ink

The Untangling Of the Yarn

May 1, 2015
By darap1239 BRONZE, Hampton Falls, New Hampshire
darap1239 BRONZE, Hampton Falls, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln
I may die young but at least I'll die smart.-Alaska Young

Susie just got a car. I’m hella jealous. She got a BMW I8. Since she’s my next door neighbor, she told me she would drive me anywhere. But the way she said it, like “Jill, just look at my new car, isn’t it wonderful! Daddy gave it to me for getting straight B’s.” She’s a spoiled little brat, but my mom makes me hang out with her; One would think that with the amount of money she has, her daddy could buy her some friends of her age. UGH. She also said we could do whatever I want. Well, all I want is to BE ABLE TO FREAKING DRIVE. HEAR THAT GOD, I JUST WANT TO DRIVE. I figure that to seem older, maybe even get older, I should spend time with older people. At first, I was like, I should volunteer at a hospital, but sick people are gross. I decided to volunteer at a nursing home.

Every day, while I am at the home, Evelyn is just sitting there, rocking in her chair, unknotting a ball of yarn. And everyday, she seems to be getting older, like the stress of not being able to do it is killing her.

A couple days ago, I decided to talk to her. They told me that she hasn’t talked to anyone in weeks. I decided to try my luck. When I walked over, she asked me why I was there. So I told her my theory about being older and seeming older.  Evelyn just sat there looking thoughtful. There was something about her, that just made me want to spill my guts out to her.
“When I was younger, that was how I felt. Take this ball of yarn for example, I could just cut the knot out, but in a way that would be cheating time, like i’ve never done that before, but,  each day it gets slightly less knotted, so, when the time is right, it will be unknotted. One can only hope to grow up faster, but alas. Unknotting this may help with your predicament, it’ll help you forget about it for a while, come chile, it’s a great past time, and it actually accomplishes something.”

As I worked, she was telling me stories of her life. As she talked, I could feel myself getting tired and yawning. Evelyn looked more energized than ever before. My back started hurting, like there was a crick and it was so uncomfortable. My hands started shaking and I started getting kinda scared but I had to accomplish this, I just had to.

When I finally finished and got up to leave, I saw myself in the mirror and screamed. I had white hair, and wrinkles. This has to be a dream, there’s no other explanation. That’s it, I tell myself, I fell asleep while listening to her stories and i’m imagining myself being in her place. I calmed down slightly. I walked down the hall to the bathroom to splash some water on my face.
“Hello.” said a voice.
I screamed.
“I’m so sorry Jill, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Said the voice.
“Wait, you mean this isn’t a dream?” I  replied.
“Oh, no sweetie, this is 100% real.”
I realized who this mysterious little girl was. It was Evelyn, fifteen year old Evelyn. I asked her why the hell I was seventy years old. She replied, snarkily I may add, that I was seventy-three to be exact. You know, she was sweet as an old lady, but now she’s just getting annoying. Except she’s about to get on my nerves even more if she doesn’t freaking tell me why I’m FREAKING SEVENTY, no, excuse me, seventy-three, FREAKING YEARS OLD. Well, finally she told me it was the yarn. The yarn she knowingly gave to me, and tricked me into unknotting. Ugh, this reminds me why I don’t socialize. Well, apparently I have to trick another child into unknotting some yarn she just had and gave to me, to regain my youth. Well, excuse me for wanting to be a little bit older and getting a car.

As I was fuming at how obnoxious Evelyn was and wondering why I ever talked/ trusted/ liked her in the beginning, the sneaky little rat left. Well, after that, I never saw her again. Just, poof, just like that. Like, turn me seventy- three, then tell me I have to turn another child old, then just ditch me. She really is a conniving meanie pants. Time to go live my life; or whatever of it I have left. Maybe I should break the chain, die out and not go young again, yes I’ll have my childhood robbed, but it’ll spare that of another.

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