A journey that started with a strange squirrel | Teen Ink

A journey that started with a strange squirrel

May 11, 2015
By CelestialArcher25 BRONZE, INDIALANTIC, Florida
CelestialArcher25 BRONZE, INDIALANTIC, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
With great power comes even greater responsibility.

My family decided we should go to the west coast of Florida today and experience what the beaches were like there. We packed up the car with towels and sunblock and lots of snacks and drinks and tookoff. half a mile down the road, we suddenly encountered a mystical white squirrel. Of course, I screamed at my dad to turn around so I could get a picture. When we got back and I jumped out of the car, The squirrel took off in the woods. I ran after trying to catch up and get a piture. Finally, when it ran up a tree, I managed to snap a couple blurry photos. I ran back and we continued our journey. Then it started to rain and it got harder and harder, until we finally had to stop at a gas station. Ten minutes later it let up and we were off. But we were stopped twenty minutes later because a fourteen foot alligator apparently escaped a near by zoo during the rain and now sat basking in the road. When animal control finally caught the beast and we started off again, you won't believe what happened next! Galactus devourer of planets came down and proceeded to eat earth as a snack before eating Jupiter for a Thanksgiving Feast! But then the Avengers showed up! and the X men, Fantastic four, the inhumans, Spiderman and his web warriors, Even the guardians of the Galaxy! Working together they managed to stop Galactus and blast him all the way out of the solar system! With the job done, all the teams shook hands, said farewell, and took off to their places of normal business. And just like that we continued on our very,very,very, long stretched out journey. Finally with no further ado, we made it to the West coast. Only to be met with screams of fear and pain. The beach was apparently infested with land sharks with fricken lasers! So the beach was off. The good news though I pictures of the avengers battle and a white squirrel and a twelve foot alligator! even better a brand new carnival just opened up across from the beach! YAY!

The author's comments:

I'm not good at thinking off unbelieveable obstacles on a journey, But i like the ones I did this time!

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