One Splendid Smile | Teen Ink

One Splendid Smile

May 14, 2015
By MaiyaW SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
MaiyaW SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the only one that pleases me. I am the only one who loves it. One splendid smile radiating happiness with gleaming white teeth-like pearls. One that goes unnoticed by all, except for me. One simple smile that lights up a room. Through my eyes, I can feel it, but no one else appreciates the warmth it brings.
It’s enthusiasm is apparent. It sends streams of bliss through lifeless rooms. It appears faint and it grows until it’s filled with jubilance-capturing each negative vibe-and altering the negativity into flowing euphoria that fills the space around. This is how it shines.
Let one miss the image being seen, they’d all wither away like neglected daisies, unable to receive the slight supply of delight. Shine, shine, shine it says--perfectly aligned. It shows.
When it is too mellow and too faint to shine brightly, when I am the only one that recognizes it, then it is I smile right back. When there is nothing left to look at on the face. One who gleams despite the sadness. One who shimmers and does not forget to shimmer. One whose only reason is to make me smile.

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