A Million Unwanted Grass Blades | Teen Ink

A Million Unwanted Grass Blades

May 15, 2015
By Gallith SILVER, Pewakee, Wisconsin
Gallith SILVER, Pewakee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones I truly hate. I am the only one who understands their tretury.  A million unwanted grass blades with spindly fingers and edges of green like weeds. A million who are new here but are everywhere. A million unnecessary excuses for an open area to play. From my room, I can see them, but only I can see them for what they really are.
Their strength is unpredictable. They send spider web roots through the ground. They find power and they find weakness and catch the soil in their network of roots and cut the sky with sharp blades and never quit their attack. That is how they damage.
Let one realize their potential, they’d all spread from one place to another, each with their ambitions still for revenge. Attack, attack, attack, they say when I wake. They rage.
When I am too angry and too annoyed to attack their revenge, when I am a monster against so much green, then it is I look at prairies. When there is nothing left to look at in my yard. A million who grew with the help of humans. A million who attack and do not stop their war. A million whose only reason is to attack and attack.

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