10 Million Crystal Snowflakes | Teen Ink

10 Million Crystal Snowflakes

December 7, 2015
By Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Piper1107 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who know. They are the only ones who fall. 10 million crystal snowflakes with glitter that shines and icy edges. 10 million that fall each year and make faces grin when they stick. 10 million that create slippery roads and sidewalks. 10 million excuses I hear for no snow this winter, but I have positive thoughts.

Their look is breathtaking. They reflect off my eyes and they sparkle at night. They fall down from the sky and they fling off the blade of my shovel, and they bite the chilly ground with fierce looks and crystal edges. This is how they please.

     Let one forget his reason to fall, they’d all melt like butter in the hot sun, each dripping icy water. Please ,please, please I’d say when I pray. They’d fall. 
When I am too sad and too mad to keep pleasing, when I am looking outside and seeing grass, then it is I see tulips. When there is nothing left to look at on this ground. 10 million who fell despite spring and warm weather. 10 million who fall and do not forget to fall. 10 million whose only reason is to be winter.

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