Three Floating Balloons | Teen Ink

Three Floating Balloons

December 7, 2015
By 6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that terrify me.  I am the only one who runs the other way.  Three floating balloons with narrow bodies and plump faces like a blueberry.  Three aimlessly drifting around the house.  Three frightening balloons there to scare me.  From the kitchen I see them moving, but my brother says, “that is insane.”
Their powers are hidden.  When gone, they move from corner to corner.  They speak in soft, low voices as they creep in from the other room. This is how they scare.
If I let them they’d all chase me into hiding, each getting bigger and bigger until they follow. Move, move, move they shout when I run.  They never quit.
When I am too exhausted and too tired to keep moving, when I am a rubber blimp drifting on it is then I watch the balloons.  When there is nothing left to fear.  Three who move despite science.  Three who move and do not forget to move.  Three whose those only reason is to chase and chase.

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