Uncommon Recipe | Teen Ink

Uncommon Recipe

January 5, 2016
By singing27 PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
singing27 PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A pocketful of pets
A wink of trust
A heap of laughter
A portion of patients
A crate of fun times
A mound of memories
4 people
1 or 2 houses (depends on the family)
A tingle of forgiveness
A sprinkle of understanding

First, open the 1 or two houses, (whichever works best for your family). Then, mix some pets in along with the people. **Careful not to mix the wrong pets together, a dangerous reaction could take place.** Be sure to sprinkle some understanding on all of the people. A mound of memories, along with the crate of fun times should be spread thoroughly throughout the houses. Once the last steps are done, a heap of laughter should quickly be added. Lastly, mix a tingle of forgiveness, a portion of patients, and a wink of trust in a separate bowl. At first, these ingredients will have a reaction, but once they calm down and agree, lightly dust each person with the mix.

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