A Quality Personality: Curiosity | Teen Ink

A Quality Personality: Curiosity

April 11, 2016
By bearcommaclaire BRONZE, Riverside, California
bearcommaclaire BRONZE, Riverside, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Curiosity is quite peculiar. She wears the brightest clashing colors and carries around her findings in a backpack. Her disheveled appearance reflects her strong desire to learn new things. Curiosity doesn't care what others think, she only wants to explore. She's the child on the playground who digs in the dirt searching for bugs or the one who wants to see what the world looks like from a tree that's a little too tall for comfort. Curiosity asks strange questions at the dinner table that have nothing to do with anything but she can't focus until she gets an answer. Curiosity is the family member who ends up in the hospital because she can't control her eagerness to touch anything, regardless of how hot it might be.
     Curiosity is easily distracted by loud noises when she's out and about. The horns of cars and the blasting sirens in the city make her go crazy with questions. How do these work? Where are they going? She wonders where the delicious smell of food is coming from and if whoever is cooking would be willing to share. Curiosity often loves to sit in the park just because there's so much to be observed. She enjoys the way the trees bend and rustle in the wind and how the leaves change color in the fall. She likes to lay on the grass and watch the clouds go by. There is nothing in this world that Curiosity hasn't pondered or wanted to explore; she wouldn't be herself if she never asked how or why. Curiosity constantly has unanswerable questions racing around in her mind. It rarely bothers her simply because it's in her nature to wonder.

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