New Haven | Teen Ink

New Haven

May 5, 2016
By olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A sunny Monday in New Haven, the start of a new week, a week for you to be better than the week before. Everyday the townspeople rise at 0600hrs sharp. Starting their morning off seeing if there are any new candidates. They townspeople go over to the gates and greet nearly 20 people. All of the 200 townspeople know how anxious they were to be on the other side of the gates looking in at the vast fields and amazing homes made by hand. By the time the townspeople were just finishing examining the possible new townspeople the leaders showed up.
The leaders are the ultimate and superior townspeople, they consist of five superiors. They're in charge of the rules, military, townspeople, and the two most important leaders who built New Haven. The test consists of mental and physical abilities. To pass the mental test you have to be logical and able to think quick, for the physical you have to know your ways around a variety of weapons, survival skills and brotherhood to aid anyone in New Haven.

New Haven is a dream place of 50,000 +/- acres with a capacity of 250 people, giving everyone 200+/- acres to their self. There is always room for expansion but for now everyone is happy. There are fantastic firing ranges and fields to go hunting in. Everyone has the ability to do whatever to their fields to aid them in survival. That is what's so unique about the location, there is noone to aid except the fellow townspeople. They rely strictly on skills they know and pick up after time. New Haven has very little electricity too, this is a dream place for everyone here. To ensure the safety of everyone, New Haven is surrounded by a wall containing snipers on posts all around. The snipers are hand picked by the leaders to ensure only the top skilled ones are protecting everyone from the outside. There is often rejects who try to sneak in and try to destroy New Haven, but one of the reasons they failed the test is for the mental portion. Everyone who is a townsperson is trained young on how to use weapons and how to defend their self.

In New Haven we value living off the land and using natural resources to survive. We separate ourselves from the on grid people. To live to the fullest of a human we pride ourself on survival of the fittest but we help each other. We survive from the rest of the world who need frozen food and microwaves, others to protect them and dont have the ability to hunt. The leaders teach the ways to the younger generation so they can pass it on generations to come. The goals are what each individual wants but is based on growing their knowledge for a bigger and thriving New Haven.

You may think from all the knowledge you have heard that we would use spears or arrows, but that's not completely true. The townspeople use a wide variety of weapons from knives to semi auto guns. The younger people start off learning how to kill animals with slingshots and other little game weapons. If there's ever a dispute between people the leaders will come in and host a battle for them to settle it, rarely does this happen though. On the even more rare occasions when someone wants to leave or if someone breaks in the person will be hanged infront of everyone. You may wonder where the leaders and military live? New Haven is a place for the people with the same values so they live like everyone else in the town.

Everyone in New Haven holds family and survival to the highest. It's a place for people to use their skills and knowledge daily and to pass it down so it is never forgotten. Being able to survive off nature and not the assist of a microwave or factories to give you food that is indeed not helping you live but hurting you. We all have our goals and will do anything to reach them not letting anyone undermine us. Some might call it the superior new race even.

The recruits filled in one by one, some looking excited and others about to S**T their pants. They are handed the paper and a writing utensil, the first one scared to be done so quick rethinked his answers. The next confident in his answers, then shortly everyone was finishing but one he was studying the paper and wanting to distance from the group. We just thought he was nervous about taking a life changing test around so many people, especially considering only a few will get in. The leaders looked over all the papers and made their decisions. We waited with the final person to finish, he soon started to ask all types of questions: What kind of guns and ammo do the snipers use? Is their an electric fence, Voltage ? Are the civilians allowed to shoot trespassers too? We found it odd for him to be asking such precise questions for our security. We informed him only the leaders truly know the answers. He then wanted to rush and finish to catch up to the group that was waiting for the announcement of who passed the test.

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